If the proxy is for a well-known name, do not ask the bus to launch an owner during proxy initialization or a method call. This flag is only meaningful in proxies for well-known names.
If the proxy is for a well-known name, do not ask the bus to launch an owner during proxy initialization, but allow it to be autostarted by a method call. This flag is only meaningful in proxies for well-known names, and only if %G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START is not also specified.
Don't connect to signals on the remote object.
Don't load properties.
If set, the property value for any invalidated property will be (asynchronously) retrieved upon receiving the PropertiesChanged
D-Bus signal and the property will not cause emission of the #GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed signal. When the value is received the #GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed signal is emitted for the property along with the retrieved value. Since 2.32.
No flags set.
Don't actually send the AddMatch D-Bus call for this signal subscription. This gives you more control over which match rules you add (but you must add them manually). (Since: 2.72)
Flags used when constructing an instance of a #GDBusProxy derived class.