[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT64] Signature expiration Unix timestamp (0 if no expiration)
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING] Fingerprint of the signing key
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING] Name of the hash algorithm used to create the signature
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN] Has the signing key expired?
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN] Is the signing key missing?
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN] Has the signing key been revoked?
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING] Name of the public key algorithm used to create the signature
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN] Has the signature expired?
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT64] Signature creation Unix timestamp
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING] The email address of the signing key's primary user
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING] The name of the signing key's primary user
[#G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN] Is the signature valid?
Signature attributes available from an #OstreeGpgVerifyResult. The attribute's #GVariantType is shown in brackets.