Activation rejected.
APN type conflict.
Authentication failed.
Conditional IE error.
ESM information not received.
Feature not supported.
Semantic error in packet filters.
Syntax error in packet filters.
Activation rejected by GGSN.
Insufficient resources.
Invalid mandatory information.
Invalid proxy call session control function address. Since 1.24.10.
Invalid transaction ID.
IPv4 only allowed.
IPv6 only allowed.
LLC or SNDCP failure.
Message and protocol state uncompatible.
Message incorrect semantically.
Message not compatible with state.
Message type not implemented.
Multiple connection to same PDN not allowed.
Network failure.
NSAPI already used.
Operator-determined barring.
Service option not supported.
Service option temporarily out of order.
Service option not subscribed.
PDN connection does not exist.
PDP context without TFT activated.
Protocol error.
QoS not accepted.
Reattach required.
Regular PDP context deactivation.
Single address bearer only.
Semantic error in TFT operation.
Syntax error in TFT operation.
Unknown or missing APN.
Information element unknown.
Unknown PDP address or type.
Unknown PDP context.
3GPP-specific call end reasons, given when the