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accessible_role?: AccessibleRole

The accessible role of the given GtkAccessible implementation.

The accessible role cannot be changed once set.

activate_on_single_click?: boolean

The activate-on-single-click property specifies whether the "row-activated" signal will be emitted after a single click.

can_focus?: boolean

Whether the widget or any of its descendents can accept the input focus.

This property is meant to be set by widget implementations, typically in their instance init function.

can_target?: boolean

Whether the widget can receive pointer events.

css_classes?: string[]

A list of css classes applied to this widget.

css_name?: string

The name of this widget in the CSS tree.

This property is meant to be set by widget implementations, typically in their instance init function.

cursor?: Gdk.Cursor

The cursor used by widget.

enable_grid_lines?: Gtk.TreeViewGridLines
enable_search?: boolean
enable_tree_lines?: boolean
expander_column?: Gtk.TreeViewColumn
fixed_height_mode?: boolean

Setting the ::fixed-height-mode property to %TRUE speeds up GtkTreeView by assuming that all rows have the same height. Only enable this option if all rows are the same height. Please see gtk_tree_view_set_fixed_height_mode() for more information on this option.

focus_on_click?: boolean

Whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.

This property is only relevant for widgets that can take focus.

focusable?: boolean

Whether this widget itself will accept the input focus.

hadjustment?: Gtk.Adjustment

Horizontal GtkAdjustment of the scrollable widget.

This adjustment is shared between the scrollable widget and its parent.

halign?: Gtk.Align

How to distribute horizontal space if widget gets extra space.

has_tooltip?: boolean

Enables or disables the emission of the ::query-tooltip signal on widget.

A value of %TRUE indicates that widget can have a tooltip, in this case the widget will be queried using [signalGtk.Widget::query-tooltip] to determine whether it will provide a tooltip or not.

headers_clickable?: boolean
headers_visible?: boolean
height_request?: number

Override for height request of the widget.

If this is -1, the natural request will be used.

hexpand?: boolean

Whether to expand horizontally.

hexpand_set?: boolean

Whether to use the hexpand property.

hover_expand?: boolean

Enables or disables the hover expansion mode of tree_view. Hover expansion makes rows expand or collapse if the pointer moves over them.

This mode is primarily intended for treeviews in popups, e.g. in GtkComboBox or GtkEntryCompletion.

hover_selection?: boolean

Enables or disables the hover selection mode of tree_view. Hover selection makes the selected row follow the pointer. Currently, this works only for the selection modes %GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE and %GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE.

This mode is primarily intended for treeviews in popups, e.g. in GtkComboBox or GtkEntryCompletion.

hscroll_policy?: Gtk.ScrollablePolicy

Determines when horizontal scrolling should start.

layout_manager?: Gtk.LayoutManager

The GtkLayoutManager instance to use to compute the preferred size of the widget, and allocate its children.

This property is meant to be set by widget implementations, typically in their instance init function.

level_indentation?: number

Extra indentation for each level.

margin_bottom?: number

Margin on bottom side of widget.

This property adds margin outside of the widget's normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from [methodGtk.Widget.set_size_request] for example.

margin_end?: number

Margin on end of widget, horizontally.

This property supports left-to-right and right-to-left text directions.

This property adds margin outside of the widget's normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from [methodGtk.Widget.set_size_request] for example.

margin_start?: number

Margin on start of widget, horizontally.

This property supports left-to-right and right-to-left text directions.

This property adds margin outside of the widget's normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from [methodGtk.Widget.set_size_request] for example.

margin_top?: number

Margin on top side of widget.

This property adds margin outside of the widget's normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from [methodGtk.Widget.set_size_request] for example.

model?: Gtk.TreeModel
name?: string

The name of the widget.

opacity?: number

The requested opacity of the widget.

overflow?: Overflow

How content outside the widget's content area is treated.

This property is meant to be set by widget implementations, typically in their instance init function.

receives_default?: boolean

Whether the widget will receive the default action when it is focused.

reorderable?: boolean
rubber_banding?: boolean
search_column?: number
sensitive?: boolean

Whether the widget responds to input.

show_expanders?: boolean

%TRUE if the view has expanders.

tooltip_column?: number
tooltip_markup?: string

Sets the text of tooltip to be the given string, which is marked up with Pango markup.

Also see [methodGtk.Tooltip.set_markup].

This is a convenience property which will take care of getting the tooltip shown if the given string is not %NULL: [propertyGtk.Widget:has-tooltip] will automatically be set to %TRUE and there will be taken care of [signalGtk.Widget::query-tooltip] in the default signal handler.

Note that if both [propertyGtk.Widget:tooltip-text] and [propertyGtk.Widget:tooltip-markup] are set, the last one wins.

tooltip_text?: string

Sets the text of tooltip to be the given string.

Also see [methodGtk.Tooltip.set_text].

This is a convenience property which will take care of getting the tooltip shown if the given string is not %NULL: [propertyGtk.Widget:has-tooltip] will automatically be set to %TRUE and there will be taken care of [signalGtk.Widget::query-tooltip] in the default signal handler.

Note that if both [propertyGtk.Widget:tooltip-text] and [propertyGtk.Widget:tooltip-markup] are set, the last one wins.

vadjustment?: Gtk.Adjustment

Vertical GtkAdjustment of the scrollable widget.

This adjustment is shared between the scrollable widget and its parent.

valign?: Gtk.Align

How to distribute vertical space if widget gets extra space.

vexpand?: boolean

Whether to expand vertically.

vexpand_set?: boolean

Whether to use the vexpand property.

visible?: boolean

Whether the widget is visible.

vscroll_policy?: Gtk.ScrollablePolicy

Determines when vertical scrolling should start.

width_request?: number

Override for width request of the widget.

If this is -1, the natural request will be used.


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method