If greater than zero, delay success of IP addressing until either the timeout is reached, or an IP gateway replies to a ping.
A human readable unique identifier for the connection, like "Work Wi-Fi" or "T-Mobile 3G".
The name of the network interface this connection is bound to. If not set, then the connection can be attached to any interface of the appropriate type (subject to restrictions imposed by other settings).
For software devices this specifies the name of the created device.
For connection types where interface names cannot easily be made persistent (e.g. mobile broadband or USB Ethernet), this property should not be used. Setting this property restricts the interfaces a connection can be used with, and if interface names change or are reordered the connection may be applied to the wrong interface.
Interface name of the master device or UUID of the master connection.
The setting's name, which uniquely identifies the setting within the connection. Each setting type has a name unique to that type, for example "ppp" or "wireless" or "wired".
%FALSE if the connection can be modified using the provided settings service's D-Bus interface with the right privileges, or %TRUE if the connection is read-only and cannot be modified.
Setting name of the device type of this slave's master connection (eg, %NM_SETTING_BOND_SETTING_NAME), or %NULL if this connection is not a slave.
The time, in seconds since the Unix Epoch, that the connection was last successfully fully activated.
NetworkManager updates the connection timestamp periodically when the connection is active to ensure that an active connection has the latest timestamp. The property is only meant for reading (changes to this property will not be preserved).
Base type of the connection. For hardware-dependent connections, should contain the setting name of the hardware-type specific setting (ie, "802-3-ethernet" or "802-11-wireless" or "bluetooth", etc), and for non-hardware dependent connections like VPN or otherwise, should contain the setting name of that setting type (ie, "vpn" or "bridge", etc).
A universally unique identifier for the connection, for example generated with libuuid. It should be assigned when the connection is created, and never changed as long as the connection still applies to the same network. For example, it should not be changed when the #NMSettingConnection:id property or #NMSettingIP4Config changes, but might need to be re-created when the Wi-Fi SSID, mobile broadband network provider, or #NMSettingConnection:type property changes.
The UUID must be in the format "2815492f-7e56-435e-b2e9-246bd7cdc664" (ie, contains only hexadecimal characters and "-"). A suitable UUID may be generated by nm_utils_uuid_generate() or nm_utils_uuid_generate_from_string().
The trust level of a the connection. Free form case-insensitive string (for example "Home", "Work", "Public"). %NULL or unspecified zone means the connection will be placed in the default zone as defined by the firewall.
Whether or not the connection should be automatically connected by NetworkManager when the resources for the connection are available. %TRUE to automatically activate the connection, %FALSE to require manual intervention to activate the connection.