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An email address preferred for e-mail reminders by the calendar.


An email address associated with the calendar.


A default object for the calendar. Calendars use VEVENT, memo lists VJOURNAL and task lists VTODO, which can have prefilled values by the backend.


The current overall revision string, this can be used as a quick check to see if data has changed at all since the last time the calendar revision was observed.


Extension property for alarm components so that we can reference them by UID.


The X parameter name being used to store the enddate in RRULE and EXRULE properties.


Flag indicating that the backend supports alarm description


Let the client know that it should store All Day event times as time with a time zone, rather than as a date.


Flag indicating that the backend supports bulk additions.


Flag indicating that the backend supports bulk modifications.


Flag indicating that the backend supports bulk removals.


When the capability is set, the client supports storing color for individual components.


Flag indicating that the backend does not support alarm after start the event


FIXME: Document me.


When the capability is set, the backend handles only simple memos, which means it stores only memo description. The summary can be changed by the backend, if needed.


Similar to the %E_CAL_STATIC_CAPABILITY_SIMPLE_MEMO, except the backend stores the description and the summary separately.


When the capability is set, the client can store and provide recurring tasks, otherwise it cannot.


Let the client know that the Task Start date, Due date and Completed date can be entered only as dates. When the capability is not set, then these can be date and time.


Set, when the backend supports ESTIMATED-DURATION property for tasks.


When the capability is set, the backend handles task recurrence completion on its own. This does not imply E_CAL_STATIC_CAPABILITY_TASK_CAN_RECUR.


When the capability is set, the client cannot store reminders on tasks, otherwise it can.


  • isodate_from_time_t(t: number): string
  • Creates an ISO 8601 UTC representation from a time value.


    • t: number

      A time value.

    Returns string

  • match_tzid(tzid: string): string | null
  • Matches tzid against the system timezone definitions and returns the matching TZID, or %NULL if none found


    • tzid: string

      a timezone ID

    Returns string | null

  • Describes some simple types of recurrences in a human-readable and localized way. The flags influence the output format and what to do when the icalcomp contains more complicated recurrence, some which the function cannot describe.

    The week_start_day is used for weekly recurrences, to start the list of selected days at that day.

    Uses e_time_format_date_and_time() to format the date/time value in the string. Call e_cal_recur_describe_recurrence_ex() with a custom formatting function.

    Free the returned string with g_free(), when no longer needed.


    • icalcomp: ICalGLib.Component

      an #ICalComponent

    • week_start_day: DateWeekday

      a day when the week starts

    • flags: number

      bit-or of #ECalRecurDescribeRecurrenceFlags

    Returns string | null

  • Describes some simple types of recurrences in a human-readable and localized way. The flags influence the output format and what to do when the icalcomp contains more complicated recurrence, some which the function cannot describe.

    The week_start_day is used for weekly recurrences, to start the list of selected days at that day.

    If datetime_fmt_func is %NULL, the e_time_format_date_and_time() is used to format data/time value.

    Free the returned string with g_free(), when no longer needed.


    Returns string | null

  • This recalculates the end dates for recurrence & exception rules which use the COUNT property. If refresh is %TRUE it will recalculate all enddates for rules which use COUNT. If refresh is %FALSE, it will only calculate the enddate if it hasn't already been set. It returns %TRUE if the component was changed, i.e. if the component should be saved at some point. We store the enddate in the %E_CAL_EVOLUTION_ENDDATE_PARAMETER parameter of the RRULE or EXRULE.


    Returns boolean

  • Calls the given callback function for each occurrence of the event that intersects the range between the given start and end times (the end time is not included). Note that the occurrences may start before the given start time.

    If the callback routine returns FALSE the occurrence generation stops.

    The start and end times are required valid times, start before end time.

    The get_tz_callback is used to resolve references to timezones. It is passed a TZID and should return the ICalTimezone * corresponding to that TZID. We need to do this as we access timezones in different ways on the client & server.

    The default_timezone argument is used for DTSTART or DTEND properties that are DATE values or do not have a TZID (i.e. floating times).


    Returns boolean

  • recur_get_localized_nth(nth: number): string
  • system_timezone_get_location(): string | null
  • Fetches the system timezone location string.

    Note: Since 3.4 the returned timezone location is either NULL or an equivalent within known libical timezones.

    The returned string should be freed with g_free().

    Returns string | null

  • time_add_day(time: number, days: number): number
  • Adds a day onto the time, using local time. Note that if clocks go forward due to daylight savings time, there are some non-existent local times, so the hour may be changed to make it a valid time. This also means that it may not be wise to keep calling time_add_day() to step through a certain period - if the hour gets changed to make it valid time, any further calls to time_add_day() will also return this hour, which may not be what you want.


    • time: number

      A time_t value.

    • days: number

      Number of days to add.

    Returns number

  • time_add_day_with_zone(time: number, days: number, zone: ICalGLib.Timezone): number
  • Adds or subtracts a number of days to/from the given time_t value, using the given timezone. NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use ICalTime values and i_cal_time_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.


    • time: number

      A time_t value.

    • days: number

      Number of days to add.

    • zone: ICalGLib.Timezone

      Timezone to use.

    Returns number

  • time_add_month_with_zone(time: number, months: number, zone: ICalGLib.Timezone): number
  • Adds or subtracts a number of months to/from the given time_t value, using the given timezone.

    If the day would be off the end of the month (e.g. adding 1 month to 30th January, would lead to an invalid day, 30th February), it moves it down to the last day in the month, e.g. 28th Feb (or 29th in a leap year.)

    NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use ICalTime values and i_cal_time_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.


    • time: number

      A time_t value.

    • months: number

      Number of months to add.

    • zone: ICalGLib.Timezone

      Timezone to use.

    Returns number

  • time_add_week(time: number, weeks: number): number
  • Adds the given number of weeks to a time value.


    • time: number

      A time_t value.

    • weeks: number

      Number of weeks to add.

    Returns number

  • time_add_week_with_zone(time: number, weeks: number, zone: ICalGLib.Timezone): number
  • Adds or subtracts a number of weeks to/from the given time_t value, using the given timezone. NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use ICalTime values and i_cal_time_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.


    • time: number

      A time_t value.

    • weeks: number

      Number of weeks to add.

    • zone: ICalGLib.Timezone

      Timezone to use.

    Returns number

  • time_day_begin(t: number): number
  • Returns the start of the day, according to the local time.


    • t: number

      A time_t value.

    Returns number

  • Returns the start of the day containing the given time_t, using the given timezone. NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use ICalTime values and i_cal_time_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.


    Returns number

  • time_day_end(t: number): number
  • Returns the end of the day, according to the local time.


    • t: number

      A time_t value.

    Returns number

  • Returns the end of the day containing the given time_t, using the given timezone. (The end of the day is the start of the next day.) NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use ICalTime values and i_cal_time_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.


    Returns number

  • time_day_of_week(day: number, month: number, year: number): number
  • Returns the day of the week for the specified date, 0 (Sun) to 6 (Sat). For the days that were removed on the Gregorian reformation, it returns Thursday. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001. Month is 0 to 11.


    • day: number

      The day.

    • month: number

      The month.

    • year: number

      The year.

    Returns number

  • time_day_of_year(day: number, month: number, year: number): number
  • Returns the 1-based day number within the year of the specified date. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001. Month is 0 to 11.


    • day: number

      The day.

    • month: number

      The month.

    • year: number

      The year.

    Returns number

  • time_days_in_month(year: number, month: number): number
  • Returns the number of days in the month. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001. Month is 0 (Jan) to 11 (Dec).


    • year: number

      The year.

    • month: number

      The month.

    Returns number

  • time_from_isodate(str: string): number
  • Converts an ISO 8601 UTC time string into a time_t value.


    • str: string

      Date/time value in ISO 8601 format.

    Returns number

  • time_is_leap_year(year: number): boolean
  • Returns whether the specified year is a leap year. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001.


    • year: number

      The year.

    Returns boolean

  • time_leap_years_up_to(year: number): number
  • Returns the number of leap years since year 1 up to (but not including) the specified year. Year is the normal year, e.g. 2001.


    • year: number

      The year.

    Returns number

  • Returns the start of the month containing the given time_t, using the given timezone. NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use ICalTime values and i_cal_time_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.


    Returns number

  • Converts a time_t value to a #GDate structure using the specified timezone. This is analogous to g_date_set_time() but takes the timezone into account.


    • date: GLib.Date

      Destination #GDate value.

    • time: number

      A time value.

    • zone: ICalGLib.Timezone

      Desired timezone for destination date, or %NULL if the UTC timezone is desired.

    Returns void

  • time_week_begin_with_zone(time: number, week_start_day: number, zone: ICalGLib.Timezone): number
  • Returns the start of the week containing the given time_t, using the given timezone. week_start_day should use the same values as mktime(), i.e. 0 (Sun) to 6 (Sat). NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use ICalTime values and i_cal_time_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.


    • time: number

      A time_t value.

    • week_start_day: number

      Day to use as the starting of the week.

    • zone: ICalGLib.Timezone

      Timezone to use.

    Returns number

  • Returns the start of the year containing the given time_t, using the given timezone. NOTE: this function is only here to make the transition to the timezone functions easier. New code should use ICalTime values and i_cal_time_adjust() to add or subtract days, hours, minutes & seconds.


    Returns number

  • util_component_dup_x_property(icalcomp: ICalGLib.Component, x_name: string): string | null
  • Searches for an X property named x_name within X properties of icalcomp and returns its value as a newly allocated string. Free it with g_free(), when no longer needed.


    • icalcomp: ICalGLib.Component

      an #ICalComponent

    • x_name: string

      name of the X property

    Returns string | null

  • Searches for an X property named x_name within X properties of icalcomp and returns it. Free the non-NULL object with g_object_unref(), when no longer needed.


    • icalcomp: ICalGLib.Component

      an #ICalComponent

    • x_name: string

      name of the X property

    Returns ICalGLib.Property | null

  • Returns, whether the icalcomp has a property of prop_kind. To check for a specific X property use e_cal_util_component_has_x_property().


    Returns boolean

  • Returns, whether the icalcomp contains X property named x_name. To check for standard property use e_cal_util_component_has_property().


    • icalcomp: ICalGLib.Component

      an #ICalComponent

    • x_name: string

      name of the X property

    Returns boolean

  • Removes all or only the first property of kind kind in icalcomp.


    • icalcomp: ICalGLib.Component

      an #ICalComponent

    • kind: PropertyKind

      the kind of the property to remove

    • all: boolean

      %TRUE to remove all, or %FALSE to remove only the first property of the kind

    Returns number

  • util_component_remove_x_property(icalcomp: ICalGLib.Component, x_name: string): boolean
  • util_component_set_x_property(icalcomp: ICalGLib.Component, x_name: string, value: string): void
  • Sets a value of the first X property named x_name in icalcomp, if any such already exists, or adds a new property with this name and value. As a special case, if value is %NULL, then removes the first X property named x_name from icalcomp instead.


    • icalcomp: ICalGLib.Component

      an #ICalComponent

    • x_name: string

      name of the X property

    • value: string

      a value to set, or %NULL

    Returns void

  • util_conflict_resolution_to_operation_flags(conflict_resolution: ConflictResolution): number
  • Encodes the #EConflictResolution into the bit-or of #ECalOperationFlags. The returned value can be bit-or-ed with other #ECalOperationFlags values.


    Returns number

  • This checks that rid indicates a valid recurrence of icalcomp, and if so, generates a copy of icalcomp containing a RECURRENCE-ID of rid.

    Free the returned non-NULL component with g_object_unref(), when no longer needed.


    Returns ICalGLib.Component | null

  • Generates alarm instances for a calendar component. Returns the instances structure, or %NULL if no alarm instances occurred in the specified time range. Free the returned structure with e_cal_component_alarms_free(), when no longer needed.


    Returns ComponentAlarms | null

  • Iterates through all the components in the comps list and generates alarm instances for them; putting them in the comp_alarms list. Free the comp_alarms with g_slist_free_full (comp_alarms, e_cal_component_alarms_free);, when no longer neeed.


    Returns [number, ComponentAlarms[]]

  • util_get_system_timezone_location(): string | null
  • Initializes properties of a recurring vtodo, like normalizing the Due date and eventually the Start date. The function does nothing when the vtodo is not recurring.

    The function doesn't change LAST-MODIFIED neither the SEQUENCE property, it's up to the caller to do it.

    Note the cal_client, cancellable and error is used only for timezone resolution. The function doesn't store the vtodo to the cal_client, it only updates the vtodo component.


    Returns boolean

  • Changes all URL attachments which point to a local file in component to inline attachments, aka adds the file content into the component. It also populates FILENAME parameter on the attachment.


    Returns boolean

  • Marks the vtodo as complete with eventual update of other properties. This is useful also for recurring tasks, for which it moves the vtodo into the next occurrence according to the recurrence rule.

    When the vtodo is marked as completed, then the existing COMPLETED date-time is preserved if exists, otherwise it's set either to completed_time, or to the current time, when the completed_time is (time_t) -1.

    The function doesn't change LAST-MODIFIED neither the SEQUENCE property, it's up to the caller to do it.

    Note the cal_client, cancellable and error is used only for timezone resolution. The function doesn't store the vtodo to the cal_client, it only updates the vtodo component.


    • vtodo: ICalGLib.Component

      a VTODO component

    • completed_time: number

      completed time to set, or (time_t) -1 to use current time

    • cal_client: ECal.Client

      an #ECalClient to which the vtodo belongs

    • cancellable: Gio.Cancellable

      optional #GCancellable object, or %NULL

    Returns boolean

  • Makes sure the ttuntil value matches the value type with the DTSTART value, as required by RFC 5545 section 3.3.10. Uses tz_cb with tz_cb_data to resolve time zones when needed.


    Returns void

  • Parses the given file, and, if it contains a valid iCalendar object, parse it and return a new #ICalComponent.

    Free the returned non-NULL component with g_object_unref(), when no longer needed.


    • filename: string

      Name of the file to be parsed.

    Returns ICalGLib.Component | null

  • Parses an iCalendar string and returns a new #ICalComponent representing that string. Note that this function deals with multiple VCALENDAR's in the string, something that Mozilla used to do and which libical does not support.

    Free the returned non-NULL component with g_object_unref(), when no longer needed.


    • string: string

      iCalendar string to be parsed.

    Returns ICalGLib.Component | null

  • util_priority_from_string(string: string): number
  • Converts a translated priority string to an iCalendar priority value.


    • string: string

      A string representing the PRIORITY value.

    Returns number

  • util_priority_to_string(priority: number): string
  • Converts an iCalendar PRIORITY value to a translated string. Any unknown priority value (i.e. not 0-9) will be returned as "" (undefined).


    • priority: number

      Priority value.

    Returns string

  • util_seconds_to_string(seconds: number): string
  • Converts time, in seconds, into a string representation readable by humans and localized into the current locale. This can be used to convert event duration to string or similar use cases.

    Free the returned string with g_free(), when no longer needed.


    • seconds: number

      actual time, in seconds

    Returns string

  • util_set_alarm_acknowledged(component: ECal.Component, auid: string, when: number): boolean
  • Sets the ACKNOWLEDGED property on the component's alarm with UID auid to the time when (in UTC), or to the current time, when the when is 0.


    • component: ECal.Component

      an #ECalComponent

    • auid: string

      an alarm UID to modify

    • when: number

      a time, in UTC, when to set the acknowledged property, or 0 for the current time

    Returns boolean

  • Splits a recurring icalcomp into two at time rid. The returned #ICalComponent is modified icalcomp which contains recurrences beginning at rid, inclusive. The instance identified by rid should exist. The master_dtstart can be a null time, then it is read from the icalcomp.

    Use e_cal_util_remove_instances_ex() with E_CAL_OBJ_MOD_THIS_AND_FUTURE mode on the icalcomp to remove the overlapping interval from it, if needed.

    Free the returned non-NULL component with g_object_unref(), when done with it.


    Returns ICalGLib.Component | null

  • Splits a recurring icalcomp into two at time rid. The returned #ICalComponent is modified icalcomp which contains recurrences beginning at rid, inclusive. The instance identified by rid should exist. The master_dtstart can be a null time, then it is read from the icalcomp.

    Uses tz_cb with tz_cb_data to resolve time zones when needed.

    Use e_cal_util_remove_instances_ex() with E_CAL_OBJ_MOD_THIS_AND_FUTURE mode on the icalcomp to remove the overlapping interval from it, if needed.

    Free the returned non-NULL component with g_object_unref(), when done with it.


    Returns ICalGLib.Component | null

  • util_tm_to_icaltime(tm: object, is_date: boolean): ICalGLib.Time
  • Converts a struct tm into an #ICalTime. Free the returned object with g_object_unref(), when no longer needed.


    • tm: object

      A struct tm.

    • is_date: boolean

      Whether the given time is a date only or not.

    Returns ICalGLib.Time


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method