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The "cache-dir" property indicates the backend's local directory for cached data.


The "capabilities" property is a comma-separated list of capabilities supported by the backend. The preferred method of retrieving and working with capabilities is e_client_get_capabilities() and e_client_check_capability().


The "online" property is "TRUE" when the client is fully opened and online, "FALSE" at all other times. See also e_client_is_online().


The "opened" property is "TRUE" when the client is fully opened, "FALSE" at all other times.


The "opening" property is "TRUE" when the client is in the process of opening, "FALSE" at all other times.


The "online" property is "TRUE" if the backend has only read access to its data, "FALSE" if the backend can modify its data. See also e_client_is_readonly().


The current overall revision string, this can be used as a quick check to see if data has changed at all since the last time the revision was observed.


The major version number of the Evolution-Data-Server library. Like eds_major_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.


The micro version number of the Evolution-Data-Server library. Like eds_micro_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.


The minor version number of the Evolution-Data-Server library. Like eds_minor_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.


A special name, which can be used as a GIO name in the call to e_network_monitor_set_gio_name(), which is used to report the network as always reachable.


A name of the named parameter used for passwords in credentials, used to authenticate users with e_source_invoke_authenticate_sync() and e_source_invoke_authenticate(). The named parameter is optional, different authentication methods can use different names.


A name of the named parameter used for SSL/TLS trust in credentials, used to authenticate users with e_source_invoke_authenticate_sync() and e_source_invoke_authenticate(). The named parameter is optional. Its value corresponds to current ESourceWebdav::ssl-trust property, in case the ESource has that extension available. This is required to have up-to-date data on the server side, when the client side just saved the SSL trust change, which might not be propagated into the server (factory) side quickly enough. The key is added into the credentials in e_source_invoke_authenticate() automatically, if the corresponding ESource contain a WebDAV extension and the key is not part of the credentials already.


A name of the named parameter used for usernames in credentials, used to authenticate users with e_source_invoke_authenticate_sync() and e_source_invoke_authenticate(). The named parameter is optional, different authentication methods can use different names.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceAddressBook. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceAlarms. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceAuthentication. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceAutocomplete. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceAutoconfig. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceCalendar. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceCollection. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceContacts. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceGoa. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceLDAP. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceLocal. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceMailAccount. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceMailComposition. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceMailIdentity. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceMailSignature. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceMailSubmission. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceMailTransport. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceMDN. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceMemoList. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceOffline. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceOpenPGP. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceProxy. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceRefresh. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceResource. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceRevisionGuards. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceSecurity. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceSMIME. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceTaskList. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceUoa. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceWeather. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceWebdav. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Pass this extension name to e_source_get_extension() to access #ESourceWebDAVNotes. This is also used as a group name in key files.


Extends #GParamFlags to indicate the #GObject property is associated with a key file value. Use this flag when installing #GObject properties in #ESourceExtension subclasses.



  • Thread safe variant of g_object_bind_property(). See its documentation for more information on arguments and return value.


    • source: GObject.Object

      the source #GObject

    • source_property: string

      the property on source to bind

    • target: GObject.Object

      the target #GObject

    • target_property: string

      the property on target to bind

    • flags: BindingFlags

      flags to pass to #GBinding

    Returns Binding

  • Thread safe variant of g_object_bind_property_with_closures(). See its documentation for more information on arguments and return value.


    • source: GObject.Object

      the source #GObject

    • source_property: string

      the property on source to bind

    • target: GObject.Object

      the target #GObject

    • target_property: string

      the property on target to bind

    • flags: BindingFlags

      flags to pass to #GBinding

    • transform_to: TClosure<any, any>

      a #GClosure wrapping the transformation function from the source to the target, or %NULL to use the default

    • transform_from: TClosure<any, any>

      a #GClosure wrapping the transformation function from the target to the source, or %NULL to use the default

    Returns Binding

  • binding_transform_enum_nick_to_value(binding: Binding, source_value: any, target_value: any, not_used: object): boolean
  • Transforms an enumeration nickname to its corresponding value.


    • binding: Binding

      a #GBinding

    • source_value: any

      a #GValue of type #G_TYPE_STRING

    • target_value: any

      a #GValue whose type is derived from #G_TYPE_ENUM

    • not_used: object

      not used

    Returns boolean

  • binding_transform_enum_value_to_nick(binding: Binding, source_value: any, target_value: any, not_used: object): boolean
  • Transforms an enumeration value to its corresponding nickname.


    • binding: Binding

      a #GBinding

    • source_value: any

      a #GValue whose type is derived from #G_TYPE_ENUM

    • target_value: any

      a #GValue of type #G_TYPE_STRING

    • not_used: object

      not used

    Returns boolean

  • categories_add(category: string, unused: string, icon_file: string, searchable: boolean): void
  • Adds a new category, with its corresponding icon, to the configuration database.

    This function is thread safe.


    • category: string

      name of category to add.

    • unused: string

      DEPRECATED! associated color. DEPRECATED!

    • icon_file: string

      full path of the icon associated to the category.

    • searchable: boolean

      whether the category can be used for searching in the GUI.

    Returns void

  • categories_dup_icon_file_for(category: string): string
  • Gets the icon file associated with the given category and returns a copy of it.

    This function is thread safe.


    • category: string

      category to retrieve the icon file for.

    Returns string

  • categories_dup_list(): string[]
  • categories_exist(category: string): boolean
  • Checks whether the given category is available in the configuration.

    This function is thread safe.


    • category: string

      category to be searched.

    Returns boolean

  • categories_get_icon_file_for(category: string): string
  • Gets the icon file associated with the given category.

    This function is mostly thread safe, but as the icon file name is not copied, it may be freed by another thread after being returned by this function. Use e_categories_dup_icon_file_for() instead.


    • category: string

      category to retrieve the icon file for.

    Returns string

  • categories_get_list(): string[]
  • Returns a sorted list of all the category names currently configured.

    This function is mostly thread safe, but as the category names are not copied, they may be freed by another thread after being returned by this function. Use e_categories_dup_list() instead.

    Returns string[]

  • categories_is_searchable(category: string): boolean
  • Gets whether the given calendar is to be used for searches in the GUI.

    This function is thread safe.

    Return value; %TRUE% if the category is searchable, %FALSE% if not.


    • category: string

      category name.

    Returns boolean

  • Registers callback to be called on change of any category. Pair listener and user_data is used to distinguish between listeners. Listeners can be unregistered with e_categories_unregister_change_listener.

    This function is thread safe.


    • listener: GObject.Callback

      the callback to be called on any category change.

    Returns void

  • categories_remove(category: string): void
  • Removes the given category from the configuration.

    This function is thread safe.


    • category: string

      category to be removed.

    Returns void

  • categories_set_icon_file_for(category: string, icon_file: string): void
  • Sets the icon file associated with the given category.

    This function is thread safe.


    • category: string

      category to set the icon file for.

    • icon_file: string

      icon file.

    Returns void

  • Removes previously registered callback from the list of listeners on changes. If it was not registered, then does nothing.

    This function is thread safe.


    Returns void

  • collator_error_quark(): Quark
  • data_server_util_get_dbus_call_timeout(): number
  • data_server_util_set_dbus_call_timeout(timeout_msec: number): void
  • Sets default timeout, in milliseconds, for calls of g_dbus_proxy_call() family functions.

    -1 means the default value as set by D-Bus itself. G_MAXINT means no timeout at all.

    Default value is set also by configure option --with-dbus-call-timeout=ms and -1 is used when not set.


    • timeout_msec: number

      default timeout for D-Bus calls in miliseconds

    Returns void

  • debug_log_clear(): void
  • debug_log_disable_domains(domains: string[]): void
  • debug_log_dump(filename: string): boolean
  • Saves current log information to the given filename.


    • filename: string

      a filename to save logged information to

    Returns boolean

  • debug_log_dump_to_dated_file(): boolean
  • debug_log_enable_domains(domains: string[]): void
  • debug_log_get_max_lines(): number
  • debug_log_is_domain_enabled(domain: string): boolean
  • debug_log_load_configuration(filename: string): boolean
  • debug_log_set_max_lines(num_lines: number): void
  • eds_check_version(required_major: number, required_minor: number, required_micro: number): string | null
  • Checks that the Evolution-Data-Server library in use is compatible with the given version. Generally you would pass in the constants #EDS_MAJOR_VERSION, #EDS_MINOR_VERSION, #EDS_MICRO_VERSION as the three arguments to this function. That produces a check that the library in use is compatible with the version of Evolution-Data-Server the application or module was compiled against.


    • required_major: number

      the required major version

    • required_minor: number

      the required minor version

    • required_micro: number

      the required micro version

    Returns string | null

  • enum_from_string(enum_type: GType<unknown>, string: string, enum_value: number): boolean
  • Fetches the appropriate enumeration value for string in the given enum type type and stores the result in enum_value


    • enum_type: GType<unknown>

      The enum type

    • string: string

      The string containing the enum value or nick

    • enum_value: number

      A return location to store the result

    Returns boolean

  • enum_to_string(enum_type: GType<unknown>, enum_value: number): string
  • Converts an enum value to a string using strings from the GType system.


    • enum_type: GType<unknown>

      An enum type

    • enum_value: number

      The enum value to convert

    Returns string

  • Asynchronously deletes file. If file is a directory, its contents are deleted recursively before file itself is deleted. The recursive delete operation will stop on the first error.

    If cancellable is not %NULL, then the operation can be cancelled by triggering the cancellable object before the operation finishes.

    When the operation is finished, callback will be called. You can then call e_file_recursive_delete_finish() to get the result of the operation.


    • file: Gio.File

      a #GFile to delete

    • io_priority: number

      the I/O priority of the request

    • cancellable: Gio.Cancellable

      optional #GCancellable object, or %NULL

    • callback: AsyncReadyCallback

      a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied

    Returns void

  • Finishes the operation started with e_file_recursive_delete().

    If the operation was cancelled, the error #G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned.


    Returns boolean

  • Deletes file. If file is a directory, its contents are deleted recursively before file itself is deleted. The recursive delete operation will stop on the first error.

    If cancellable is not %NULL, then the operation can be cancelled by triggering the cancellable object from another thread. If the operation was cancelled, the error #G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned.


    Returns boolean

  • filename_make_safe(string: string): void
  • filename_mkdir_encoded(basepath: string, fileprefix: string, filename: string, fileindex: number): string | null
  • Creates a local path constructed from basepath / fileprefix + "-" + filename, and makes sure the path basepath exists. If creation of the path fails, then NULL is returned.


    • basepath: string

      base path of a file name; this is left unchanged

    • fileprefix: string

      prefix for the filename; this is encoded

    • filename: string

      file name to use; this is encoded; can be %NULL

    • fileindex: number

      used when filename is NULL, then the filename is generated as "file" + fileindex

    Returns string | null

  • free_form_exp_to_sexp(free_form_exp: string, symbols: FreeFormExpSymbol): string | null
  • Converts the free_form_exp to an S-Expression using the S-Expression builders defined in the symbols. The symbols should have one symbol with an empty string as its name, which is used for words which do not have a symbol name prefix.

    The symbols is a NULL-terminated array of known symbols. The NULL should be set for the symbol's name.


    • free_form_exp: string

      a Free Form Expression

    • symbols: FreeFormExpSymbol

      known symbols, which can be used in the Free From Expression

    Returns string | null

  • get_user_cache_dir(): string
  • Returns a base directory in which to store user-specific, non-essential cached data for Evolution or Evolution-Data-Server.

    The returned string is owned by libedataserver and must not be modified or freed.

    Returns string

  • get_user_config_dir(): string
  • Returns a base directory in which to store user-specific configuration information for Evolution or Evolution-Data-Server.

    The returned string is owned by libedataserver and must not be modified or freed.

    Returns string

  • get_user_data_dir(): string
  • Returns a base directory in which to store user-specific data for Evolution or Evolution-Data-Server.

    The returned string is owned by libedataserver and must not be modified or freed.

    Returns string

  • localtime_with_offset(tt: number, tm: object, offset: number): void
  • Converts the calendar time time representation tt to a broken-down time representation, store in tm, and provides the offset in seconds from UTC time, stored in offset.


    • tt: number

      The #time_t to convert.

    • tm: object

      The #tm to store the result in.

    • offset: number

      The #int to store the offset in.

    Returns void

  • mktime_utc(tm: object): number
  • Like mktime(3), but assumes UTC instead of local timezone.


    • tm: object

      The #tm to convert to a calendar time representation.

    Returns number

  • oauth2_service_util_set_to_form(form: HashTable<string | number | symbol, string | number | boolean>, name: string, value: string): void
  • Sets value for name to form. The form should be the one used in e_oauth2_service_prepare_authentication_uri_query(), e_oauth2_service_prepare_get_token_form() or e_oauth2_service_prepare_refresh_token_form().

    If the value is %NULL, then the property named name is removed from the form instead.


    • form: HashTable<string | number | symbol, string | number | boolean>

      a #GHashTable

    • name: string

      a property name

    • value: string

      a property value

    Returns void

  • oauth2_service_util_take_to_form(form: HashTable<string | number | symbol, string | number | boolean>, name: string, value: string): void
  • Takes ownership of value and sets it for name to form. The value will be freed with g_free(), when no longer needed. The form should be the one used in e_oauth2_service_prepare_authentication_uri_query(), e_oauth2_service_prepare_get_token_form() or e_oauth2_service_prepare_refresh_token_form().

    If the value is %NULL, then the property named name is removed from the form instead.


    • form: HashTable<string | number | symbol, string | number | boolean>

      a #GHashTable

    • name: string

      a property name

    • value: string

      a property value

    Returns void

  • Transfers the contents of src_queue to the tail of dst_queue. When the operation is complete, src_queue will be empty.


    Returns void

  • secret_store_delete_sync(uid: string, cancellable: Gio.Cancellable): boolean
  • Deletes the secret for uid from either the default keyring or session keyring.

    Note the boolean return value indicates whether the delete operation itself completed successfully, not whether the secret was found and deleted. If no such secret was found, the function will still return %TRUE. If an error occurs, the function sets error and returns %FALSE.


    • uid: string

      a unique identifier of the secret

    • cancellable: Gio.Cancellable

      optional #GCancellable object, or %NULL

    Returns boolean

  • secret_store_lookup_sync(uid: string, cancellable: Gio.Cancellable): [boolean, string]
  • Looks up a secret for the uid. Both the default and session keyrings are queried.

    Note the boolean return value indicates whether the lookup operation itself completed successfully, not whether the secret was found. If no secret was found, the function will set out_secret to %NULL, but still return %TRUE. If an error occurs, the function sets error and returns %FALSE.


    • uid: string

      a unique identifier of the secret

    • cancellable: Gio.Cancellable

      optional #GCancellable object, or %NULL

    Returns [boolean, string]

  • secret_store_store_sync(uid: string, secret: string, label: string, permanently: boolean, cancellable: Gio.Cancellable): boolean
  • Stores the secret for the uid.

    If permanently is %TRUE, the secret is stored in the default keyring. Otherwise the secret is stored in the memory-only session keyring. If an error occurs, the function sets error and returns %FALSE.


    • uid: string

      a unique identifier of the secret

    • secret: string

      the secret to store

    • label: string

      human readable description of the secret

    • permanently: boolean

      store permanently or just for the session

    • cancellable: Gio.Cancellable

      optional #GCancellable object, or %NULL

    Returns boolean

  • Sets up automatic SSL certificate trust handling for soup_message using the trust data stored in source's WebDAV extension. If soup_message is about to be sent on an SSL connection with an invalid certificate, the code checks if the WebDAV extension already has a trust response for that certificate and verifies it with e_source_webdav_verify_ssl_trust(). If the verification fails, then the soup_message send also fails.

    This works by connecting to the "network-event" signal on soup_message and connecting to the "accept-certificate" signal on each #GTlsConnection for which soup_message reports a #G_SOCKET_CLIENT_TLS_HANDSHAKING event. These handlers are torn down automatically when soup_message is disposed. This process is not thread-safe; it is sufficient for safety if all use of soup_message's session and the disposal of soup_message occur in the same thread.


    Returns void

  • strftime(string: string, max: number, fmt: string, tm: object): number
  • This function is a wrapper around the strftime (3) function, which converts the %l and %k (12h and 24h) format variables if necessary.


    • string: string

      The string array to store the result in.

    • max: number

      The size of array s.

    • fmt: string

      The formatting to use on tm.

    • tm: object

      The time value to format.

    Returns number

  • time_format_date_and_time(date_tm: object, use_24_hour_format: boolean, show_midnight: boolean, show_zero_seconds: boolean, buffer: string, buffer_size: number): void
  • Creates a string representation of the time value date_tm and stores it in buffer. buffer_size should be at least 64 to be safe. If show_midnight is %FALSE, and the time is midnight, then only the date is stored in buffer. If show_zero_seconds is %FALSE, then if the time has zero seconds only the hour and minute of the time are stored in buffer.


    • date_tm: object

      The #tm to convert to a string.

    • use_24_hour_format: boolean

      A #gboolean.

    • show_midnight: boolean

      A #gboolean.

    • show_zero_seconds: boolean

      A #gboolean.

    • buffer: string

      A #char buffer to store the time string in.

    • buffer_size: number

      The length of buffer.

    Returns void

  • time_format_time(date_tm: object, use_24_hour_format: boolean, show_zero_seconds: boolean, buffer: string, buffer_size: number): void
  • Creates a string representation of a time value in date_tm and stores it in buffer. buffer_size should be at least 64.


    • date_tm: object

      The #tm to convert to a string.

    • use_24_hour_format: boolean

      A #gboolean.

    • show_zero_seconds: boolean

      A #gboolean.

    • buffer: string

      The #char buffer to store the result in.

    • buffer_size: number

      The length of buffer.

    Returns void

  • time_get_d_fmt_with_4digit_year(): string
  • Retrieves a date format string with a 4-digit year (D_FMT on systems with nl_langinfo() available). In case the current locale doesn't support 4-digit year, the function returns format as specified by the locale.

    Free the returned string with g_free().

    Returns string

  • Parses a string value containing a date and a time and stores the result in result. The date in value is expected to be in a format like "Wed 3/13/00 14:20:00", though gettext() is used to support the appropriate local formats. There is also some leniency on the format of the string, e.g. the weekday can be skipped or 12-hour formats with am/pm can be used.


    • value: string

      the string to parse a date and time from

    • result: object

      a #tm to store the result in

    Returns TimeParseStatus

  • time_parse_date_and_time_ex(value: string, result: object, two_digit_year: boolean): TimeParseStatus
  • Parses a string value containing a date and a time and stores the result in result. The date in value is expected to be in a format like "Wed 3/13/00 14:20:00", though gettext() is used to support the appropriate local formats. There is also some leniency on the format of the string, e.g. the weekday can be skipped or 12-hour formats with am/pm can be used.


    • value: string

      The string to parse a date and time from.

    • result: object

      A #tm to store the result in.

    • two_digit_year: boolean

      set to TRUE, is parsing with two-digit year, else FALSE, but only when not NULL.

    Returns TimeParseStatus

  • time_parse_date_ex(value: string, result: object, two_digit_year: boolean): TimeParseStatus
  • Takes in a date string entered by the user and tries to convert it to a struct #tm.


    • value: string

      A date string.

    • result: object

      Return value for the parsed date.

    • two_digit_year: boolean

      set to TRUE, is parsing with two-digit year, else FALSE, but only when not NULL.

    Returns TimeParseStatus

  • Parses value, a string containing a time. value is expected to be in a format like "14:20:00". gettext() is used to support the appropriate local formats and slightly different formats, such as 12-hour formats with am/pm, are accepted as well.


    • value: string

      The string to parse a time from.

    • result: object

      A #tm to store the result in.

    Returns TimeParseStatus

  • timeout_add_seconds_with_name(priority: number, interval: number, name: string, function_: SourceFunc): number
  • Similar to g_timeout_add_seconds_full(), but also names the #GSource as name.

    You might find e_named_timeout_add_seconds() or e_named_timeout_add_seconds_full() more convenient. Those macros name the #GSource implicitly.


    • priority: number

      the priority of the timeout source, typically in the range between #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT and #G_PRIORITY_HIGH

    • interval: number

      the time between calls to the function, in seconds

    • name: string

      debug name for the source

    • function_: SourceFunc

      function to call

    Returns number

  • timeout_add_with_name(priority: number, interval: number, name: string, function_: SourceFunc): number
  • Similar to g_timeout_add_full(), but also names the #GSource as name.

    You might find e_named_timeout_add() or e_named_timeout_add_full() more convenient. Those macros name the #GSource implicitly.


    • priority: number

      the priority of the timeout source, typically in the range between #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT and #G_PRIORITY_HIGH

    • interval: number

      the time between calls to the function, in milliseconds (1/1000ths of a second)

    • name: string

      debug name for the source

    • function_: SourceFunc

      function to call

    Returns number

  • Calls func for all instantiable subtypes of parent_type.

    This is often useful for extending functionality by way of #EModule. A module may register a subtype of parent_type in its e_module_load() function. Then later on the application will call e_type_traverse() to instantiate all registered subtypes of parent_type.


    • parent_type: GType<unknown>

      the root #GType to traverse from

    • func: TypeFunc

      the function to call for each visited #GType

    Returns void

  • uid_new(): string
  • utf8_strftime(string: string, max: number, fmt: string, tm: object): number
  • The UTF-8 equivalent of e_strftime ().


    • string: string

      The string array to store the result in.

    • max: number

      The size of array s.

    • fmt: string

      The formatting to use on tm.

    • tm: object

      The time value to format.

    Returns number

  • util_can_use_collection_as_credential_source(collection_source: object, child_source: object): boolean
  • Checks whether the collection_source can be used as a credential source for the child_source. The relationship is not tested in the function. When the collection_source is %NULL, then it simply returns %FALSE.


    • collection_source: object

      a collection #ESource, or %NULL

    • child_source: object

      a children of collection_source

    Returns boolean

  • util_copy_string_slist(copy_to: string[], strings: string[]): string[]
  • Copies #GSList of strings at the end of copy_to.


    • copy_to: string[]

      Where to copy; can be %NULL

    • strings: string[]

      #GSList of strings to be copied

    Returns string[]

  • util_ensure_gdbus_string(str: string, gdbus_str: string): string
  • If str is a valid UTF-8 string, the function returns str and does not set gdbus_str.

    If str is an invalid UTF-8 string, the function calls e_util_utf8_make_valid() and points gdbus_str to the newly-allocated, valid UTF-8 string, and also returns it. The caller should free the string pointed to by gdbus_str with g_free().

    If str is %NULL, the function returns an empty string and does not set gdbus_str.

    Admittedly, the function semantics are a little awkward. The example below illustrates the easiest way to cope with the gdbus_str argument:

    |[ const gchar *trusted_utf8; gchar *allocated = NULL;

    trusted_utf8 = e_util_ensure_gdbus_string (untrusted_utf8, &allocated);

    Do stuff with trusted_utf8, then clear it.

    trusted_utf8 = NULL;

    g_free (allocated);
    allocated = NULL;

    @param str a possibly invalid UTF-8 string, or %NULL
    @param gdbus_str return location for the corrected string


    • str: string
    • gdbus_str: string

    Returns string

  • util_free_string_slist(strings: string[]): void
  • Frees memory previously allocated by e_util_strv_to_slist().


    • strings: string[]

      a #GSList of strings (gchar *)

    Returns void

  • util_generate_uid(): string
  • Generates a unique identificator, which can be used as part of the Message-ID header, or iCalendar component UID, or vCard UID. The resulting string doesn't contain any host name, it's a hexa-decimal string with no particular meaning.

    Free the returned string with g_free(), when no longer needed.

    Returns string

  • util_get_directory_variants(main_path: string, replace_prefix: string, with_modules_dir: boolean): string[]
  • The main_path is a directory, which will be always used. It should have as its prefix the replace_prefix, otherwise the function returns only the main_path in the paths array.

    When there's exported an environment variable EDS_EXTRA_PREFIXES, it is used as a list of alternative prefixes where to look for the main_path (rest after the replace_prefix).

    When the with_modules_dir is %TRUE, there's also added g_get_user_data_dir() + "evolution/modules/", aka ~/.local/share/evolution/modules/, into the resulting array.


    • main_path: string

      the main path to work with

    • replace_prefix: string

      path prefix to replace

    • with_modules_dir: boolean

      whether to add also the modules directory

    Returns string[]

  • util_get_source_full_name(registry: object, source: object): string
  • Constructs a full name of the source with all of its parents of the form: "<account-name> : <parent>/<source>" where the "<parent>/" part can be repeated zero or more times, depending on the deep level of the source.


    • registry: object

      an #ESourceRegistry

    • source: object

      an #ESource

    Returns string

  • util_gthread_id(thread: Thread): number
  • Returns a 64-bit integer hopefully uniquely identifying the thread. To be used in debugging output and logging only. The returned value is just a cast of a pointer to the 64-bit integer.

    There is no guarantee that calling e_util_gthread_id () on one thread first and later after that thread has dies on another won't return the same integer.

    On Linux and Win32, known to really return a unique id for each thread existing at a certain time. No guarantee that ids won't be reused after a thread has terminated, though.


    • thread: Thread

      A #GThread pointer

    Returns number

  • util_identity_can_send(registry: object, identity_source: object): boolean
  • Checks whether the identity_source can be used for sending, which means whether it has configures send mail source.


    • registry: object

      an #ESourceRegistry

    • identity_source: object

      an #ESource with mail identity extension

    Returns boolean

  • util_safe_free_string(str: string): void
  • Calls g_free() on string, but before it rewrites its content with zeros. This is suitable to free strings with passwords.


    • str: string

      a string to free

    Returns void

  • util_slist_to_strv(strings: string[]): string[]
  • Convert list of strings into NULL-terminates array of strings.


    • strings: string[]

      a #GSList of strings (const gchar *)

    Returns string[]

  • util_source_compare_for_sort(source_a: object, source_b: object): number
  • Compares two #ESource-s in a way suitable for user interface. It can be used as a #GCompareFunc.

    This is also used by e_source_registry_build_display_tree().


    • source_a: object

      the first #ESource

    • source_b: object

      the second #ESource

    Returns number

  • util_strcmp0(str1: string, str2: string): number
  • Compares str1 and str2 like g_strcmp0(), except it handles %NULL and empty strings as equal.


    • str1: string

      a C string on %NULL

    • str2: string

      another C string or %NULL

    Returns number

  • util_strdup_strip(string: string): string | null
  • Duplicates string and strips off any leading or trailing whitespace. The resulting string is returned unless it is empty or %NULL, in which case the function returns %NULL.

    Free the returned string with g_free().


    • string: string

      a string value, or %NULL

    Returns string | null

  • util_strstrcase(haystack: string, needle: string): string | null
  • Find the first instance of needle in haystack, ignoring case for bytes that are ASCII characters.


    • haystack: string

      The string to search in.

    • needle: string

      The string to search for.

    Returns string | null

  • util_strv_equal(v1: string[], v2: string[]): boolean
  • Compares v1 and v2 for equality, handling %NULL gracefully.

    The arguments types are generic for compatibility with #GEqualFunc.


    • v1: string[]

      a %NULL-terminated string array, or %NULL

    • v2: string[]

      another %NULL-terminated string array, or %NULL

    Returns boolean

  • util_strv_to_slist(strv: string): string[]
  • Convert NULL-terminated array of strings to a list of strings.


    • strv: string

      a NULL-terminated array of strings (const gchar *)

    Returns string[]

  • util_unicode_get_utf8(text: string, out: string): string | null
  • Get a UTF-8 character from the beginning of text.


    • text: string

      The string to take the UTF-8 character from.

    • out: string

      The location to store the UTF-8 character in.

    Returns string | null

  • util_unref_in_thread(object: object): void
  • Unrefs the given object in a dedicated thread. This is useful when unreffing object deep in call stack when the caller might still use the object and this being the last reference to it.


    • object: object

      a #GObject

    Returns void

  • util_utf8_data_make_valid(data: string, data_bytes: number): string
  • Returns a newly-allocated NULL-terminated string with invalid characters replaced by Unicode replacement characters (U+FFFD). For %NULL data returns newly allocated empty string ("").


    • data: string

      UTF-8 binary data

    • data_bytes: number

      length of the binary data

    Returns string

  • util_utf8_decompose(text: string): string
  • Converts the text into a decomposed variant and strips it, which allows also cheap case insensitive comparision afterwards. This produces an output as being used in e_util_utf8_strstrcasedecomp().


    • text: string

      a UTF-8 string

    Returns string

  • util_utf8_make_valid(str: string): string
  • Returns a newly-allocated copy of str, with invalid characters replaced by Unicode replacement characters (U+FFFD). For %NULL str returns newly allocated empty string ("").


    • str: string

      a UTF-8 string

    Returns string

  • util_utf8_normalize(str: string): string | null
  • Normalizes str by making it all lower case and removing any accents from it.


    • str: string

      a UTF-8 string

    Returns string | null

  • util_utf8_remove_accents(str: string): string | null
  • util_utf8_strcasecmp(s1: string, s2: string): number
  • Compares two UTF-8 strings using approximate case-insensitive ordering.


    • s1: string

      a UTF-8 string

    • s2: string

      another UTF-8 string

    Returns number

  • util_utf8_strstrcase(haystack: string, needle: string): string | null
  • Find the first instance of needle in haystack, ignoring case. (No proper case folding or decomposing is done.) Both needle and haystack are UTF-8 strings.


    • haystack: string

      The string to search in.

    • needle: string

      The string to search for.

    Returns string | null

  • util_utf8_strstrcasedecomp(haystack: string, needle: string): string | null
  • Find the first instance of needle in haystack, where both needle and haystack are UTF-8 strings. Both strings are stripped and decomposed for comparison, and case is ignored.


    • haystack: string

      The string to search in.

    • needle: string

      The string to search for.

    Returns string | null

  • webdav_access_control_entry_free(ptr: object): void
  • Frees an #EWebDAVAccessControlEntry previously created with e_webdav_access_control_entry_new() or e_webdav_access_control_entry_copy(). The function does nothing, if ptr is %NULL.


    • ptr: object

      an #EWebDAVAccessControlEntry

    Returns void

  • Asynchronously runs discovery of the WebDAV sources (CalDAV and CardDAV), eventually limited by the only_supports filter, which can be %E_WEBDAV_DISCOVER_SUPPORTS_NONE to search all types. Note that the list of returned calendars can be more general, thus check for its actual support type for further filtering of the results. The url_use_path can be used to override actual server path, or even complete URL, for the given source.

    When the operation is finished, callback will be called. You can then call e_webdav_discover_sources_finish() to get the result of the operation.


    • source: EDataServer.Source

      an #ESource from which to take connection details

    • url_use_path: string

      optional URL override, or %NULL

    • only_supports: number

      bit-or of EWebDAVDiscoverSupports, to limit what type of sources to search

    • credentials: NamedParameters

      credentials to use for authentication to the server

    • cancellable: Gio.Cancellable

      optional #GCancellable object, or %NULL

    • callback: AsyncReadyCallback

      a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied

    Returns void

  • Finishes the operation started with e_webdav_discover_sources(). If an error occurred, the function will set error and return %FALSE. The function can return success and no discovered sources, the same as it can return failure, but still set some output arguments, like the certificate related output arguments with SOUP_STATUS_SSL_FAILED error.

    The return value of out_certificate_pem should be freed with g_free() when no longer needed.

    The return value of out_discovered_sources should be freed with e_webdav_discover_free_discovered_sources() when no longer needed.

    The return value of out_calendar_user_addresses should be freed with g_slist_free_full (calendar_user_addresses, g_free); when no longer needed.


    Returns [boolean, string, TlsCertificateFlags, WebDAVDiscoveredSource[], string[]]

  • This is the same as e_webdav_discover_sources(), it only allows to provide a callback function (with its user_data), to reference an additional #ESource. It's good to avoid creating its own #ESourceRegistry instance to get it.

    When the operation is finished, callback will be called. You can then call e_webdav_discover_sources_finish() to get the result of the operation.


    • source: EDataServer.Source

      an #ESource from which to take connection details

    • url_use_path: string

      optional URL override, or %NULL

    • only_supports: number

      bit-or of EWebDAVDiscoverSupports, to limit what type of sources to search

    • credentials: NamedParameters

      credentials to use for authentication to the server

    • ref_source_func: WebDAVDiscoverRefSourceFunc

      optional callback to use to get an ESource

    • cancellable: Gio.Cancellable

      optional #GCancellable object, or %NULL

    • callback: AsyncReadyCallback

      a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied

    Returns void

  • This is the same as e_webdav_discover_sources_sync(), it only allows to provide a callback function (with its user_data), to reference an additional #ESource. It's good to avoid creating its own #ESourceRegistry instance to get it.


    • source: EDataServer.Source

      an #ESource from which to take connection details

    • url_use_path: string

      optional URL override, or %NULL

    • only_supports: number

      bit-or of EWebDAVDiscoverSupports, to limit what type of sources to search

    • credentials: NamedParameters

      credentials to use for authentication to the server

    • ref_source_func: WebDAVDiscoverRefSourceFunc

      optional callback to use to get an ESource

    • cancellable: Gio.Cancellable

      optional #GCancellable object, or %NULL

    Returns [boolean, string, TlsCertificateFlags, WebDAVDiscoveredSource[], string[]]

  • Synchronously runs discovery of the WebDAV sources (CalDAV and CardDAV), eventually limited by the only_supports filter, which can be %E_WEBDAV_DISCOVER_SUPPORTS_NONE to search all types. Note that the list of returned calendars can be more general, thus check for its actual support type for further filtering of the results. The url_use_path can be used to override actual server path, or even complete URL, for the given source.

    If an error occurred, the function will set error and return %FALSE. The function can return success and no discovered sources, the same as it can return failure, but still set some output arguments, like the certificate related output arguments with SOUP_STATUS_SSL_FAILED error.

    The return value of out_certificate_pem should be freed with g_free() when no longer needed.

    The return value of out_discovered_sources should be freed with e_webdav_discover_free_discovered_sources() when no longer needed.

    The return value of out_calendar_user_addresses should be freed with g_slist_free_full (calendar_user_addresses, g_free); when no longer needed.


    • source: EDataServer.Source

      an #ESource from which to take connection details

    • url_use_path: string

      optional URL override, or %NULL

    • only_supports: number

      bit-or of EWebDAVDiscoverSupports, to limit what type of sources to search

    • credentials: NamedParameters

      credentials to use for authentication to the server

    • cancellable: Gio.Cancellable

      optional #GCancellable object, or %NULL

    Returns [boolean, string, TlsCertificateFlags, WebDAVDiscoveredSource[], string[]]

  • webdav_privilege_free(ptr: object): void
  • Frees an #EWebDAVPrivilege previously created with e_webdav_privilege_new() or e_webdav_privilege_copy(). The function does nothing, if ptr is %NULL.


    • ptr: object

      an #EWebDAVPrivilege

    Returns void

  • webdav_property_change_free(ptr: object): void
  • Frees an #EWebDAVPropertyChange previously created with e_webdav_property_change_new_set(), e_webdav_property_change_new_remove() or or e_webdav_property_change_copy(). The function does nothing, if ptr is %NULL.


    • ptr: object

      an #EWebDAVPropertyChange

    Returns void

  • webdav_resource_free(ptr: object): void
  • Frees an #EWebDAVResource previously created with e_webdav_resource_new() or e_webdav_resource_copy(). The function does nothing, if ptr is %NULL.


    • ptr: object

      an #EWebDAVResource

    Returns void

  • xml_destroy_hash(hash: HashTable<string | number | symbol, string | number | boolean>): void
  • xml_save_file(filename: string, doc: libxml2.Doc): number
  • Writes the given XML document structure to the file given by filename. If an error occurs while saving, the function returns -1 and sets errno.


    • filename: string

      path to a file to save to

    • doc: libxml2.Doc

      an XML document structure

    Returns number

  • Creates a #GHashTable representation of the #xmlDoc doc. If type is * E_XML_HASH_TYPE_PROPERTY, all XML nodes will be indexed in the #GHashTable by name. If type is %E_XML_HASH_TYPE_OBJECT_UID, then XML objects will be indexed in the hash by their UID (other nodes will still be indexed by name).


    • doc: libxml2.Doc

      The #xmlDoc to store in a hash table.

    • type: XmlHashType

      The value type to use as a key in the hash table.

    Returns HashTable

  • xmlhash_add(hash: XmlHash, key: string, data: string): void
  • Adds a new key/value pair to the #EXmlHash hash.


    • hash: XmlHash

      the #EXmlHash to add an entry to

    • key: string

      the key to use for the entry

    • data: string

      the value of the new entry

    Returns void

  • Compares the value with key equal to key in hash against compare_data.


    • hash: XmlHash

      the #EXmlHash to compare against

    • key: string

      the key of the hash entry to compare with

    • compare_data: string

      the data to compare against the hash entry

    Returns XmlHashStatus

  • xmlhash_destroy(hash: XmlHash): void
  • xmlhash_remove(hash: XmlHash, key: string): void
  • Remove the entry in hash with key equal to key, if it exists.


    • hash: XmlHash

      the #EXmlHash to remove an entry from

    • key: string

      the key of the entry to remove

    Returns void


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method