a Unicode character
Determines whether a character is printable and not a space (returns %FALSE for control characters, format characters, and spaces). g_unichar_isprint() is similar, but returns %TRUE for spaces. Given some UTF-8 text, obtain a character value with g_utf8_get_char().
a Unicode character
Converts a single character to UTF-8 suitable for rendering. Check the source to see what this means. ;-)
a unicode character
output buffer, must have at least 10 bytes of space. If %NULL, the length will be computed and returned and nothing will be written to outbuf
Classifies a Unicode character by type.
a Unicode character
Determines a character that's commonly used in the current locale's script.
Returns an array of untranslated script names.
The strings in the array are owned by gucharmap and should not be modified or free; the array itself however is allocated and should be freed with g_free().
Determines if a given character is assigned in the Unicode standard.