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The #ClutterTimeline structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API





auto_reverse: boolean

If the direction of the timeline should be automatically reversed when reaching the end.

delay: number

A delay, in milliseconds, that should be observed by the timeline before actually starting.

The direction of the timeline, either %CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD or %CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD.

duration: number

Duration of the timeline in milliseconds, depending on the ClutterTimeline:fps value.

g_type_instance: TypeInstance
loop: boolean

Whether the timeline should automatically rewind and restart.

As a side effect, setting this property to %TRUE will set the #ClutterTimeline:repeat-count property to -1, while setting this property to %FALSE will set the #ClutterTimeline:repeat-count property to 0.

progress_mode: Clutter.AnimationMode

Controls the way a #ClutterTimeline computes the normalized progress.

repeat_count: number

Defines how many times the timeline should repeat.

If the repeat count is 0, the timeline does not repeat.

If the repeat count is set to -1, the timeline will repeat until it is stopped.

name: string


  • add_marker(marker_name: string, progress: number): void
  • Adds a named marker that will be hit when the timeline has reached the specified progress.

    Markers are unique string identifiers for a given position on the timeline. Once timeline reaches the given progress of its duration, if will emit a ::marker-reached signal for each marker attached to that particular point.

    A marker can be removed with clutter_timeline_remove_marker(). The timeline can be advanced to a marker using clutter_timeline_advance_to_marker().

    See also: clutter_timeline_add_marker_at_time()


    • marker_name: string

      the unique name for this marker

    • progress: number

      the normalized value of the position of the martke

    Returns void

  • add_marker_at_time(marker_name: string, msecs: number): void
  • Adds a named marker that will be hit when the timeline has been running for msecs milliseconds.

    Markers are unique string identifiers for a given position on the timeline. Once timeline reaches the given msecs, it will emit a ::marker-reached signal for each marker attached to that position.

    A marker can be removed with clutter_timeline_remove_marker(). The timeline can be advanced to a marker using clutter_timeline_advance_to_marker().

    See also: clutter_timeline_add_marker()


    • marker_name: string

      the unique name for this marker

    • msecs: number

      position of the marker in milliseconds

    Returns void

  • advance(msecs: number): void
  • Advance timeline to the requested point. The point is given as a time in milliseconds since the timeline started.

    The timeline will not emit the #ClutterTimeline::new-frame signal for the given time. The first ::new-frame signal after the call to clutter_timeline_advance() will be emit the skipped markers.


    • msecs: number

      Time to advance to

    Returns void

  • advance_to_marker(marker_name: string): void
  • Advances timeline to the time of the given marker_name.

    Like clutter_timeline_advance(), this function will not emit the #ClutterTimeline::new-frame for the time where marker_name is set, nor it will emit #ClutterTimeline::marker-reached for marker_name.


    • marker_name: string

      the name of the marker

    Returns void

  • Creates a binding between source_property on source and target_property on target.

    Whenever the source_property is changed the target_property is updated using the same value. For instance:

      g_object_bind_property (action, "active", widget, "sensitive", 0);

    Will result in the "sensitive" property of the widget #GObject instance to be updated with the same value of the "active" property of the action #GObject instance.

    If flags contains %G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL then the binding will be mutual: if target_property on target changes then the source_property on source will be updated as well.

    The binding will automatically be removed when either the source or the target instances are finalized. To remove the binding without affecting the source and the target you can just call g_object_unref() on the returned #GBinding instance.

    Removing the binding by calling g_object_unref() on it must only be done if the binding, source and target are only used from a single thread and it is clear that both source and target outlive the binding. Especially it is not safe to rely on this if the binding, source or target can be finalized from different threads. Keep another reference to the binding and use g_binding_unbind() instead to be on the safe side.

    A #GObject can have multiple bindings.


    • source_property: string

      the property on source to bind

    • target: GObject.Object

      the target #GObject

    • target_property: string

      the property on target to bind

    • flags: BindingFlags

      flags to pass to #GBinding

    Returns Binding

  • Creates a binding between source_property on source and target_property on target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.

    This function is the language bindings friendly version of g_object_bind_property_full(), using #GClosures instead of function pointers.


    • source_property: string

      the property on source to bind

    • target: GObject.Object

      the target #GObject

    • target_property: string

      the property on target to bind

    • flags: BindingFlags

      flags to pass to #GBinding

    • transform_to: TClosure<any, any>

      a #GClosure wrapping the transformation function from the source to the target, or %NULL to use the default

    • transform_from: TClosure<any, any>

      a #GClosure wrapping the transformation function from the target to the source, or %NULL to use the default

    Returns Binding

  • Create a new #ClutterTimeline instance which has property values matching that of supplied timeline. The cloned timeline will not be started and will not be positioned to the current position of the original timeline: you will have to start it with clutter_timeline_start().

    The only cloned properties are:

    • #ClutterTimeline:duration
    • #ClutterTimeline:loop
    • #ClutterTimeline:delay
    • #ClutterTimeline:direction

    Returns Clutter.Timeline

  • disconnect(id: number): void
  • emit(sigName: "completed", ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "marker-reached", marker_name: string, msecs: number, ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "new-frame", msecs: number, ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "paused", ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "started", ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "stopped", is_finished: boolean, ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "notify::auto-reverse", ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "notify::delay", ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "notify::direction", ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "notify::duration", ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "notify::loop", ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "notify::progress-mode", ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: "notify::repeat-count", ...args: any[]): void
  • emit(sigName: string, ...args: any[]): void
  • force_floating(): void
  • This function is intended for #GObject implementations to re-enforce a [floating][floating-ref] object reference. Doing this is seldom required: all #GInitiallyUnowneds are created with a floating reference which usually just needs to be sunken by calling g_object_ref_sink().

    Returns void

  • freeze_notify(): void
  • Increases the freeze count on object. If the freeze count is non-zero, the emission of "notify" signals on object is stopped. The signals are queued until the freeze count is decreased to zero. Duplicate notifications are squashed so that at most one #GObject::notify signal is emitted for each property modified while the object is frozen.

    This is necessary for accessors that modify multiple properties to prevent premature notification while the object is still being modified.

    Returns void

  • get_auto_reverse(): boolean
  • get_current_repeat(): number
  • get_data(key?: string): object
  • Gets a named field from the objects table of associations (see g_object_set_data()).


    • Optional key: string

      name of the key for that association

    Returns object

  • get_delay(): number
  • get_delta(): number
  • Retrieves the amount of time elapsed since the last ClutterTimeline::new-frame signal.

    This function is only useful inside handlers for the ::new-frame signal, and its behaviour is undefined if the timeline is not playing.

    Returns number

  • get_duration(): number
  • get_duration_hint(): number
  • Retrieves the full duration of the timeline, taking into account the current value of the #ClutterTimeline:repeat-count property.

    If the #ClutterTimeline:repeat-count property is set to -1, this function will return %G_MAXINT64.

    The returned value is to be considered a hint, and it's only valid as long as the timeline hasn't been changed.

    Returns number

  • get_elapsed_time(): number
  • get_id(): string
  • get_loop(): boolean
  • get_progress(): number
  • The position of the timeline in a normalized [-1, 2] interval.

    The return value of this function is determined by the progress mode set using clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode(), or by the progress function set using clutter_timeline_set_progress_func().

    Returns number

  • get_property(property_name?: string, value?: any): void
  • Gets a property of an object.

    The value can be:

    • an empty #GValue initialized by %G_VALUE_INIT, which will be automatically initialized with the expected type of the property (since GLib 2.60)
    • a #GValue initialized with the expected type of the property
    • a #GValue initialized with a type to which the expected type of the property can be transformed

    In general, a copy is made of the property contents and the caller is responsible for freeing the memory by calling g_value_unset().

    Note that g_object_get_property() is really intended for language bindings, g_object_get() is much more convenient for C programming.


    • Optional property_name: string

      the name of the property to get

    • Optional value: any

      return location for the property value

    Returns void

  • get_qdata(quark: number): object
  • get_repeat_count(): number
  • get_step_progress(): [boolean, number, StepMode]
  • getv(names: string[], values: any[]): void
  • Gets n_properties properties for an object. Obtained properties will be set to values. All properties must be valid. Warnings will be emitted and undefined behaviour may result if invalid properties are passed in.


    • names: string[]

      the names of each property to get

    • values: any[]

      the values of each property to get

    Returns void

  • has_marker(marker_name: string): boolean
  • Checks whether timeline has a marker set with the given name.


    • marker_name: string

      the name of the marker

    Returns boolean

  • is_floating(): boolean
  • is_playing(): boolean
  • list_markers(msecs: number): string[]
  • Retrieves the list of markers at time msecs. If msecs is a negative integer, all the markers attached to timeline will be returned.


    • msecs: number

      the time to check, or -1

    Returns string[]

  • notify(property_name: string): void
  • Emits a "notify" signal for the property property_name on object.

    When possible, eg. when signaling a property change from within the class that registered the property, you should use g_object_notify_by_pspec() instead.

    Note that emission of the notify signal may be blocked with g_object_freeze_notify(). In this case, the signal emissions are queued and will be emitted (in reverse order) when g_object_thaw_notify() is called.


    • property_name: string

      the name of a property installed on the class of object.

    Returns void

  • Emits a "notify" signal for the property specified by pspec on object.

    This function omits the property name lookup, hence it is faster than g_object_notify().

    One way to avoid using g_object_notify() from within the class that registered the properties, and using g_object_notify_by_pspec() instead, is to store the GParamSpec used with g_object_class_install_property() inside a static array, e.g.:


    static GParamSpec *properties[PROP_LAST];

    static void
    my_object_class_init (MyObjectClass *klass)
    properties[PROP_FOO] = g_param_spec_int ("foo", "Foo", "The foo",
    0, 100,
    g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,

    and then notify a change on the "foo" property with:

      g_object_notify_by_pspec (self, properties[PROP_FOO]);


    • pspec: ParamSpec

      the #GParamSpec of a property installed on the class of object.

    Returns void

  • Parses the passed JSON node. The implementation must set the type of the passed #GValue pointer using g_value_init().


    • script: Clutter.Script

      the #ClutterScript creating the scriptable instance

    • value: any

      the generic value to be set

    • name: string

      the name of the node

    • node: Json.Node

      the JSON node to be parsed

    Returns boolean

  • pause(): void
  • Increases the reference count of object.

    Since GLib 2.56, if GLIB_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED is 2.56 or greater, the type of object will be propagated to the return type (using the GCC typeof() extension), so any casting the caller needs to do on the return type must be explicit.

    Returns GObject.Object

  • Increase the reference count of object, and possibly remove the [floating][floating-ref] reference, if object has a floating reference.

    In other words, if the object is floating, then this call "assumes ownership" of the floating reference, converting it to a normal reference by clearing the floating flag while leaving the reference count unchanged. If the object is not floating, then this call adds a new normal reference increasing the reference count by one.

    Since GLib 2.56, the type of object will be propagated to the return type under the same conditions as for g_object_ref().

    Returns GObject.Object

  • remove_marker(marker_name: string): void
  • Removes marker_name, if found, from timeline.


    • marker_name: string

      the name of the marker to remove

    Returns void

  • rewind(): void
  • Rewinds #ClutterTimeline to the first frame if its direction is %CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD and the last frame if it is %CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD.

    Returns void

  • run_dispose(): void
  • Releases all references to other objects. This can be used to break reference cycles.

    This function should only be called from object system implementations.

    Returns void

  • set_auto_reverse(reverse: boolean): void
  • Sets whether timeline should reverse the direction after the emission of the #ClutterTimeline::completed signal.

    Setting the #ClutterTimeline:auto-reverse property to %TRUE is the equivalent of connecting a callback to the #ClutterTimeline::completed signal and changing the direction of the timeline from that callback; for instance, this code:

    |[ static void reverse_timeline (ClutterTimeline *timeline) { ClutterTimelineDirection dir = clutter_timeline_get_direction (timeline);


    clutter_timeline_set_direction (timeline, dir); } ... timeline = clutter_timeline_new (1000); clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count (timeline, -1); g_signal_connect (timeline, "completed", G_CALLBACK (reverse_timeline), NULL);

    can be effectively replaced by:

    timeline = clutter_timeline_new (1000);
    clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count (timeline, -1);
    clutter_timeline_set_auto_reverse (timeline);


    • reverse: boolean

      %TRUE if the timeline should reverse the direction

    Returns void

  • Sets the #ClutterTimeline:progress-mode of timeline to %CLUTTER_CUBIC_BEZIER, and sets the two control points for the cubic bezier.

    The cubic bezier curve is between (0, 0) and (1, 1). The X coordinate of the two control points must be in the [ 0, 1 ] range, while the Y coordinate of the two control points can exceed this range.


    • c_1: Clutter.Point

      the first control point for the cubic bezier

    • c_2: Clutter.Point

      the second control point for the cubic bezier

    Returns void

  • set_custom_property(script: Clutter.Script, name: string, value: any): void
  • Overrides the common properties setting. The underlying virtual function should be used when implementing custom properties.


    • script: Clutter.Script

      the #ClutterScript creating the scriptable instance

    • name: string

      the name of the property

    • value: any

      the value of the property

    Returns void

  • set_data(key: string, data?: object): void
  • Each object carries around a table of associations from strings to pointers. This function lets you set an association.

    If the object already had an association with that name, the old association will be destroyed.

    Internally, the key is converted to a #GQuark using g_quark_from_string(). This means a copy of key is kept permanently (even after object has been finalized) — so it is recommended to only use a small, bounded set of values for key in your program, to avoid the #GQuark storage growing unbounded.


    • key: string

      name of the key

    • Optional data: object

      data to associate with that key

    Returns void

  • set_delay(msecs: number): void
  • Sets the delay, in milliseconds, before timeline should start.


    • msecs: number

      delay in milliseconds

    Returns void

  • set_duration(msecs: number): void
  • Sets the duration of the timeline, in milliseconds. The speed of the timeline depends on the ClutterTimeline:fps setting.


    • msecs: number

      duration of the timeline in milliseconds

    Returns void

  • set_id(id_: string): void
  • Sets id_ as the unique Clutter script it for this instance of #ClutterScriptableIface.

    This name can be used by user interface designer applications to define a unique name for an object constructable using the UI definition language parsed by #ClutterScript.


    • id_: string

      the #ClutterScript id of the object

    Returns void

  • set_loop(loop: boolean): void
  • Sets whether timeline should loop.

    This function is equivalent to calling clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count() with -1 if loop is %TRUE, and with 0 if loop is %FALSE.


    • loop: boolean

      %TRUE for enable looping

    Returns void

  • Sets a custom progress function for timeline. The progress function will be called by clutter_timeline_get_progress() and will be used to compute the progress value based on the elapsed time and the total duration of the timeline.

    If func is not %NULL, the #ClutterTimeline:progress-mode property will be set to %CLUTTER_CUSTOM_MODE.

    If func is %NULL, any previously set progress function will be unset, and the #ClutterTimeline:progress-mode property will be set to %CLUTTER_LINEAR.


    Returns void

  • Sets the progress function using a value from the #ClutterAnimationMode enumeration. The mode cannot be %CLUTTER_CUSTOM_MODE or bigger than %CLUTTER_ANIMATION_LAST.


    Returns void

  • set_property(property_name: string, value?: any): void
  • set_repeat_count(count: number): void
  • Sets the number of times the timeline should repeat.

    If count is 0, the timeline never repeats.

    If count is -1, the timeline will always repeat until it's stopped.


    • count: number

      the number of times the timeline should repeat

    Returns void

  • set_step_progress(n_steps: number, step_mode: StepMode): void
  • Sets the #ClutterTimeline:progress-mode of the timeline to %CLUTTER_STEPS and provides the parameters of the step function.


    • n_steps: number

      the number of steps

    • step_mode: StepMode

      whether the change should happen at the start or at the end of the step

    Returns void

  • skip(msecs: number): void
  • start(): void
  • steal_data(key?: string): object
  • Remove a specified datum from the object's data associations, without invoking the association's destroy handler.


    • Optional key: string

      name of the key

    Returns object

  • steal_qdata(quark: number): object
  • This function gets back user data pointers stored via g_object_set_qdata() and removes the data from object without invoking its destroy() function (if any was set). Usually, calling this function is only required to update user data pointers with a destroy notifier, for example:

    object_add_to_user_list (GObject *object,
    const gchar *new_string)
    // the quark, naming the object data
    GQuark quark_string_list = g_quark_from_static_string ("my-string-list");
    // retrieve the old string list
    GList *list = g_object_steal_qdata (object, quark_string_list);

    // prepend new string
    list = g_list_prepend (list, g_strdup (new_string));
    // this changed 'list', so we need to set it again
    g_object_set_qdata_full (object, quark_string_list, list, free_string_list);
    static void
    free_string_list (gpointer data)
    GList *node, *list = data;

    for (node = list; node; node = node->next)
    g_free (node->data);
    g_list_free (list);

    Using g_object_get_qdata() in the above example, instead of g_object_steal_qdata() would have left the destroy function set, and thus the partial string list would have been freed upon g_object_set_qdata_full().


    • quark: number

      A #GQuark, naming the user data pointer

    Returns object

  • stop(): void
  • thaw_notify(): void
  • Reverts the effect of a previous call to g_object_freeze_notify(). The freeze count is decreased on object and when it reaches zero, queued "notify" signals are emitted.

    Duplicate notifications for each property are squashed so that at most one #GObject::notify signal is emitted for each property, in the reverse order in which they have been queued.

    It is an error to call this function when the freeze count is zero.

    Returns void

  • unref(): void
  • Decreases the reference count of object. When its reference count drops to 0, the object is finalized (i.e. its memory is freed).

    If the pointer to the #GObject may be reused in future (for example, if it is an instance variable of another object), it is recommended to clear the pointer to %NULL rather than retain a dangling pointer to a potentially invalid #GObject instance. Use g_clear_object() for this.

    Returns void

  • vfunc_completed(): void
  • vfunc_constructed(): void
  • vfunc_dispatch_properties_changed(n_pspecs: number, pspecs: ParamSpec): void
  • vfunc_dispose(): void
  • vfunc_finalize(): void
  • vfunc_get_id(): string
  • vfunc_get_property(property_id: number, value?: any, pspec?: ParamSpec): void
  • vfunc_marker_reached(marker_name: string, msecs: number): void
  • vfunc_new_frame(msecs: number): void
  • Emits a "notify" signal for the property property_name on object.

    When possible, eg. when signaling a property change from within the class that registered the property, you should use g_object_notify_by_pspec() instead.

    Note that emission of the notify signal may be blocked with g_object_freeze_notify(). In this case, the signal emissions are queued and will be emitted (in reverse order) when g_object_thaw_notify() is called.



    Returns void

  • Parses the passed JSON node. The implementation must set the type of the passed #GValue pointer using g_value_init().



    • script: Clutter.Script

      the #ClutterScript creating the scriptable instance

    • value: any

      the generic value to be set

    • name: string

      the name of the node

    • node: Json.Node

      the JSON node to be parsed

    Returns boolean

  • vfunc_paused(): void
  • vfunc_set_custom_property(script: Clutter.Script, name: string, value: any): void
  • vfunc_set_id(id_: string): void
  • Sets id_ as the unique Clutter script it for this instance of #ClutterScriptableIface.

    This name can be used by user interface designer applications to define a unique name for an object constructable using the UI definition language parsed by #ClutterScript.



    • id_: string

      the #ClutterScript id of the object

    Returns void

  • vfunc_set_property(property_id: number, value?: any, pspec?: ParamSpec): void
  • vfunc_started(): void
  • vfunc_stopped(is_finished: boolean): void
  • watch_closure(closure: TClosure<any, any>): void
  • This function essentially limits the life time of the closure to the life time of the object. That is, when the object is finalized, the closure is invalidated by calling g_closure_invalidate() on it, in order to prevent invocations of the closure with a finalized (nonexisting) object. Also, g_object_ref() and g_object_unref() are added as marshal guards to the closure, to ensure that an extra reference count is held on object during invocation of the closure. Usually, this function will be called on closures that use this object as closure data.


    • closure: TClosure<any, any>

      #GClosure to watch

    Returns void

  • compat_control(what: number, data: object): number
  • Find the #GParamSpec with the given name for an interface. Generally, the interface vtable passed in as g_iface will be the default vtable from g_type_default_interface_ref(), or, if you know the interface has already been loaded, g_type_default_interface_peek().


    • g_iface: TypeInterface

      any interface vtable for the interface, or the default vtable for the interface

    • property_name: string

      name of a property to look up.

    Returns ParamSpec

  • Add a property to an interface; this is only useful for interfaces that are added to GObject-derived types. Adding a property to an interface forces all objects classes with that interface to have a compatible property. The compatible property could be a newly created #GParamSpec, but normally g_object_class_override_property() will be used so that the object class only needs to provide an implementation and inherits the property description, default value, bounds, and so forth from the interface property.

    This function is meant to be called from the interface's default vtable initialization function (the class_init member of #GTypeInfo.) It must not be called after after class_init has been called for any object types implementing this interface.

    If pspec is a floating reference, it will be consumed.


    • g_iface: TypeInterface

      any interface vtable for the interface, or the default vtable for the interface.

    • pspec: ParamSpec

      the #GParamSpec for the new property

    Returns void

  • Lists the properties of an interface.Generally, the interface vtable passed in as g_iface will be the default vtable from g_type_default_interface_ref(), or, if you know the interface has already been loaded, g_type_default_interface_peek().


    • g_iface: TypeInterface

      any interface vtable for the interface, or the default vtable for the interface

    Returns ParamSpec[]

  • Creates a new instance of a #GObject subtype and sets its properties.

    Construction parameters (see %G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT, %G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY) which are not explicitly specified are set to their default values.


    • object_type: GType<unknown>

      the type id of the #GObject subtype to instantiate

    • parameters: GObject.Parameter[]

      an array of #GParameter

    Returns GObject.Object


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method