Context used for administrative purposes, such as device management (MS MBIMEx). Since 1.28.
Context used for certain applications allowed by mobile operators (MS MBIMEx). Since 1.28.
Context used for IMS emergency calling (MS MBIMEx). Since 1.28.
Context representing a connection to IMS.
Context representing a connection to the Internet.
Invalid context type.
Context representing a connection which is terminated at the device. No IP traffic sent over the air.
Context representing a connection to MMS.
Context not yet provisioned.
Context representing a connection to an OTA (over-the-air) activation site.
Context used for mobile hotspot tethering (MS MBIMEx). Since 1.28.
Context representing a connection to a video sharing service.
Context representing a connection to a VoIP service.
Context representing a connection to a a private network (e.g. VPN to a corporate network).
Context used for XCAP provisioning on IMS services (MS MBIMEx). Since 1.28.
Enumeration of the generic MBIM context types.