Symbol defining the #MbimDevice:device-in-session property.
Symbol defining the maximum supported session id.
Symbol defining the minimum supported session id..
Symbol defining the #MbimDevice::device-error signal.
Symbol defining the #MbimDevice::device-indicate-status signal.
Symbol defining the #MbimDevice::device-removed signal.
Symbol defining the #MbimDevice:device-transaction-id property.
Evaluates to the major version number of libmbim-glib which this source is compiled against.
Evaluates to the micro version number of libmbim-glib which this source compiled against.
Evaluates to the minor version number of libmbim-glib which this source is compiled against.
Symbol defining the #MbimProxy:mbim-proxy-n-clients property.
Symbol defining the #MbimProxy:mbim-proxy-n-devices property.
Symbol defining the default abstract socket name where the #MbimProxy will listen.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimAccessMediaType specified at val
a MbimAccessMediaType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimActivationCommand specified at val
a MbimActivationCommand.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimActivationState specified at val
a MbimActivationState.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimAtdsProvider structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimAtdsProvider structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimAtdsProviderPlmnMode specified at val
a MbimAtdsProviderPlmnMode.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimAtdsRatMode specified at val
a MbimAtdsRatMode.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimAuthProtocol specified at val
a MbimAuthProtocol.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimCellInfoCdma structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimCellInfoCdma structs.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsm structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimCellInfoNeighboringGsm structs.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimCellInfoNeighboringLte structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimCellInfoNeighboringLte structs.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimCellInfoNeighboringNr structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimCellInfoNeighboringNr structs.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdma structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimCellInfoNeighboringTdscdma structs.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmts structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimCellInfoNeighboringUmts structs.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimCellInfoServingNr structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimCellInfoServingNr structs.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimCellularClass in mask
bitmask of MbimCellularClass values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidAtds specified at val
a MbimCidAtds.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidAuth specified at val
a MbimCidAuth.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidBasicConnect specified at val
a MbimCidBasicConnect.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidDss specified at val
a MbimCidDss.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidIntelFirmwareUpdate specified at val
a MbimCidIntelFirmwareUpdate.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidMsBasicConnectExtensions specified at val
a MbimCidMsBasicConnectExtensions.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidMsFirmwareId specified at val
a MbimCidMsFirmwareId.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidMsHostShutdown specified at val
a MbimCidMsHostShutdown.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidMsSar specified at val
a MbimCidMsSar.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidMsUiccLowLevelAccess specified at val
a MbimCidMsUiccLowLevelAccess.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidPhonebook specified at val
a MbimCidPhonebook.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidProxyControl specified at val
a MbimCidProxyControl.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidQdu specified at val
a MbimCidQdu.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidQmi specified at val
a MbimCidQmi.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidQuectel specified at val
a MbimCidQuectel.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidSms specified at val
a MbimCidSms.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidStk specified at val
a MbimCidStk.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCidUssd specified at val
a MbimCidUssd.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimCompression specified at val
a MbimCompression.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimContextIpType specified at val
a MbimContextIpType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimContextMediaType specified at val
a MbimContextMediaType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimContextOperation specified at val
a MbimContextOperation.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimContextRoamingControl specified at val
a MbimContextRoamingControl.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimContextSource specified at val
a MbimContextSource.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimContextState specified at val
a MbimContextState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimContextType specified at val
a MbimContextType.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimCtrlCaps in mask
bitmask of MbimCtrlCaps values.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimDataClassV3 in mask
bitmask of MbimDataClassV3 values.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimDataSubclass in mask
bitmask of MbimDataSubclass values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimDefaultPduActivationHint specified at val
a MbimDefaultPduActivationHint.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimDeviceServiceElement structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimDeviceServiceElement structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimDeviceType specified at val
a MbimDeviceType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimDrxCycle specified at val
a MbimDrxCycle.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimDssLinkState specified at val
a MbimDssLinkState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimEmergencyModeState specified at val
a MbimEmergencyModeState.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimEventEntry structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimEventEntry structs.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimFrequencyRange in mask
bitmask of MbimFrequencyRange values.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag in mask
bitmask of MbimIPConfigurationAvailableFlag values.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimIPv4Element structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimIPv4Element structs.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimIPv6Element structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimIPv6Element structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimLadnInfo specified at val
a MbimLadnInfo.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimLteAttachConfiguration structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimLteAttachConfiguration structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimLteAttachContextOperation specified at val
a MbimLteAttachContextOperation.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimLteAttachContextRoamingControl specified at val
a MbimLteAttachContextRoamingControl.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimLteAttachState specified at val
a MbimLteAttachState.
Frees the memory allocated for the #MbimLteAttachStatus.
a #MbimLteAttachStatus.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimMessageCommandType specified at val
a MbimMessageCommandType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimMessageType specified at val
a MbimMessageType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimMicoMode specified at val
a MbimMicoMode.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimModemConfigurationStatus specified at val
a MbimModemConfigurationStatus.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimNetworkIdleHintState specified at val
a MbimNetworkIdleHintState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimNwError specified at val
a MbimNwError.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimPacketFilter structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimPacketFilter structs.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimPacketFilterV3 structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimPacketFilterV3 structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPacketServiceAction specified at val
a MbimPacketServiceAction.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPacketServiceState specified at val
a MbimPacketServiceState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPcoType specified at val
a MbimPcoType.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimPhonebookEntry structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimPhonebookEntry structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPhonebookFlag specified at val
a MbimPhonebookFlag.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPhonebookState specified at val
a MbimPhonebookState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPhonebookWriteFlag specified at val
a MbimPhonebookWriteFlag.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPinFormat specified at val
a MbimPinFormat.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPinMode specified at val
a MbimPinMode.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPinOperation specified at val
a MbimPinOperation.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPinState specified at val
a MbimPinState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimPinType specified at val
a MbimPinType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimProtocolError specified at val
a MbimProtocolError.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimProviderState in mask
bitmask of MbimProviderState values.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimProvisionedContextElement structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimProvisionedContextElement structs.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimProvisionedContextElementV2 structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimProvisionedContextElementV2 structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimQduFileType specified at val
a MbimQduFileType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimQduQuectelRebootType specified at val
a MbimQduQuectelRebootType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimQduQuectelVersionType specified at val
a MbimQduQuectelVersionType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimQduSessionAction specified at val
a MbimQduSessionAction.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimQduSessionResult specified at val
a MbimQduSessionResult.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimQduSessionStatus specified at val
a MbimQduSessionStatus.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimQduSessionType specified at val
a MbimQduSessionType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimQuectelRadioSwitchState specified at val
a MbimQuectelRadioSwitchState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimRadioSwitchState specified at val
a MbimRadioSwitchState.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimReadyInfoFlag in mask
bitmask of MbimReadyInfoFlag values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimRegisterAction specified at val
a MbimRegisterAction.
Register a custom service
MbimUuid structure corresponding to service
a printable name for service
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimRegisterMode specified at val
a MbimRegisterMode.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimRegisterState specified at val
a MbimRegisterState.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimRegistrationFlag in mask
bitmask of MbimRegistrationFlag values.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimRsrpSnrInfo structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimRsrpSnrInfo structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSarBackoffState specified at val
a MbimSarBackoffState.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimSarConfigState structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimSarConfigState structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSarControlMode specified at val
a MbimSarControlMode.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSarWifiHardwareState specified at val
a MbimSarWifiHardwareState.
Checks whether id
is a custom or standard service.
ID of the service
Gets the nickname string for the service
As opposed to mbim_service_get_string(), this methods takes into account custom services that may have been registered by the user.
a MbimService or custom service.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimSmsCaps in mask
bitmask of MbimSmsCaps values.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSmsCdmaEncoding specified at val
a MbimSmsCdmaEncoding.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSmsCdmaLang specified at val
a MbimSmsCdmaLang.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimSmsCdmaReadRecord structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimSmsCdmaReadRecord structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSmsFlag specified at val
a MbimSmsFlag.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSmsFormat specified at val
a MbimSmsFormat.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimSmsPduReadRecord structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimSmsPduReadRecord structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSmsStatusFlag specified at val
a MbimSmsStatusFlag.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSmsStatus specified at val
a MbimSmsStatus.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSmsStorageState specified at val
a MbimSmsStorageState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimStatusError specified at val
a MbimStatusError.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimStkPacProfile specified at val
a MbimStkPacProfile.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimStkPacType specified at val
a MbimStkPacType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimSubscriberReadyState specified at val
a MbimSubscriberReadyState.
Builds a string containing a comma-separated list of nicknames for
each #MbimSubscriberReadyStatusFlag in mask
bitmask of MbimSubscriberReadyStatusFlag values.
Frees the memory allocated for the array of #MbimTerminalCapabilityInfo structs.
a #NULL terminated array of #MbimTerminalCapabilityInfo structs.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimTlvType specified at val
a MbimTlvType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimTransmissionNotificationStatus specified at val
a MbimTransmissionNotificationStatus.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimTransmissionState specified at val
a MbimTransmissionState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimUiccClassByteType specified at val
a MbimUiccClassByteType.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimUiccPassThroughAction specified at val
a MbimUiccPassThroughAction.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimUiccPassThroughStatus specified at val
a MbimUiccPassThroughStatus.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimUiccSecureMessaging specified at val
a MbimUiccSecureMessaging.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimUiccSlotState specified at val
a MbimUiccSlotState.
Unregister a custom service.
ID of the service to unregister.MbimUuid structure corresponding to service
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimUssdAction specified at val
a MbimUssdAction.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimUssdResponse specified at val
a MbimUssdResponse.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimUssdSessionState specified at val
a MbimUssdSessionState.
Checks whether MBIM message traces are currently enabled.
Sets whether MBIM message traces are enabled or disabled.
%TRUE to enable traces, %FALSE to disable them.
Get the UUID corresponding to context_type
a #MbimContextType.
Fills in uuid
from the printable representation give in str
Only ccepts str
written with dashes separating items, e.g.:
pointer to the target #MbimUuid.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimVisibleProvidersAction specified at val
a MbimVisibleProvidersAction.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimVoiceCallState specified at val
a MbimVoiceCallState.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimVoiceClass specified at val
a MbimVoiceClass.
Gets the nickname string for the #MbimWakeType specified at val
a MbimWakeType.
Symbol defining the #MbimDevice:device-file property.