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Type Aliases



Type Aliases

ArgInfo: BaseInfo
CallableInfo: BaseInfo
CallbackInfo: BaseInfo
ConstantInfo: BaseInfo
EnumInfo: BaseInfo
FieldInfo: BaseInfo
FunctionInfo: BaseInfo
InterfaceInfo: BaseInfo
ObjectInfo: BaseInfo
PropertyInfo: BaseInfo
RegisteredTypeInfo: BaseInfo
SignalInfo: BaseInfo
StructInfo: BaseInfo
TypeInfo: BaseInfo
UnionInfo: BaseInfo
VFuncInfo: BaseInfo
ValueInfo: BaseInfo



The major version number of the girepository library.


The micro version number of the girepository library.


The minor version number of the girepository library.




  • arg_info_get_closure(info: BaseInfo): number
  • arg_info_get_destroy(info: BaseInfo): number
  • Obtain the scope type for this argument. The scope type explains how a callback is going to be invoked, most importantly when the resources required to invoke it can be freed. #GIScopeType contains a list of possible values.


    Returns ScopeType

  • arg_info_is_caller_allocates(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • Obtain if the argument is a pointer to a struct or object that will receive an output of a function. The default assumption for %GI_DIRECTION_OUT arguments which have allocation is that the callee allocates; if this is %TRUE, then the caller must allocate.


    Returns boolean

  • arg_info_is_optional(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • Obtain if the argument is optional. For 'out' arguments this means that you can pass %NULL in order to ignore the result.


    Returns boolean

  • arg_info_is_return_value(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • arg_info_is_skip(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • Obtain information about a the type of given argument info; this function is a variant of g_arg_info_get_type() designed for stack allocation.

    The initialized type must not be referenced after info is deallocated.


    Returns GIRepository.TypeInfo

  • arg_info_may_be_null(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • Obtain if the type of the argument includes the possibility of %NULL. For 'in' values this means that %NULL is a valid value. For 'out' values, this means that %NULL may be returned.

    See also g_arg_info_is_optional().


    Returns boolean

  • callable_info_can_throw_gerror(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • callable_info_get_n_args(info: BaseInfo): number
  • callable_info_get_return_attribute(info: BaseInfo, name: string): string
  • Retrieve an arbitrary attribute associated with the return value.


    • info: BaseInfo

      a #GICallableInfo

    • name: string

      a freeform string naming an attribute

    Returns string

  • callable_info_is_method(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • Determines if the callable info is a method. For #GIVFuncInfos, #GICallbackInfos, and #GISignalInfos, this is always true. Otherwise, this looks at the %GI_FUNCTION_IS_METHOD flag on the #GIFunctionInfo.

    Concretely, this function returns whether g_callable_info_get_n_args() matches the number of arguments in the raw C method. For methods, there is one more C argument than is exposed by introspection: the "self" or "this" object.


    Returns boolean

  • Iterate over all attributes associated with the return value. The iterator structure is typically stack allocated, and must have its first member initialized to %NULL.

    Both the name and value should be treated as constants and must not be freed.

    See g_base_info_iterate_attributes() for an example of how to use a similar API.


    • info: BaseInfo

      a #GICallableInfo

    • iterator: AttributeIter

      a #GIAttributeIter structure, must be initialized; see below

    Returns [boolean, AttributeIter, string, string]

  • Obtain information about a particular argument of this callable; this function is a variant of g_callable_info_get_arg() designed for stack allocation.

    The initialized arg must not be referenced after info is deallocated.


    • info: BaseInfo

      a #GICallableInfo

    • n: number

      the argument index to fetch

    Returns ArgInfo

  • Obtain information about a return value of callable; this function is a variant of g_callable_info_get_return_type() designed for stack allocation.

    The initialized type must not be referenced after info is deallocated.


    Returns GIRepository.TypeInfo

  • callable_info_may_return_null(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • callable_info_skip_return(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • cclosure_marshal_generic(closure: TClosure<any, any>, return_gvalue: any, n_param_values: number, param_values: any, invocation_hint: object, marshal_data: object): void
  • enum_info_get_error_domain(info: BaseInfo): string
  • enum_info_get_n_methods(info: BaseInfo): number
  • enum_info_get_n_values(info: BaseInfo): number
  • Obtain the tag of the type used for the enum in the C ABI. This will will be a signed or unsigned integral type.

    Note that in the current implementation the width of the type is computed correctly, but the signed or unsigned nature of the type may not match the sign of the type used by the C compiler.


    Returns TypeTag

  • field_info_get_offset(info: BaseInfo): number
  • field_info_get_size(info: BaseInfo): number
  • Obtain the property associated with this #GIFunctionInfo. Only #GIFunctionInfo with the flag %GI_FUNCTION_IS_GETTER or %GI_FUNCTION_IS_SETTER have a property set. For other cases, %NULL will be returned.


    Returns PropertyInfo

  • function_info_get_symbol(info: BaseInfo): string
  • Obtain the symbol of the function. The symbol is the name of the exported function, suitable to be used as an argument to g_module_symbol().


    Returns string

  • Obtain the virtual function associated with this #GIFunctionInfo. Only #GIFunctionInfo with the flag %GI_FUNCTION_WRAPS_VFUNC has a virtual function set. For other cases, %NULL will be returned.


    Returns VFuncInfo

  • get_major_version(): number
  • get_micro_version(): number
  • get_minor_version(): number
  • info_type_to_string(type: InfoType): string
  • Locate a virtual function slot with name name. See the documentation for g_object_info_find_vfunc() for more information on virtuals.


    • info: BaseInfo

      a #GIInterfaceInfo

    • name: string

      The name of a virtual function to find.

    Returns VFuncInfo

  • interface_info_get_n_constants(info: BaseInfo): number
  • interface_info_get_n_methods(info: BaseInfo): number
  • interface_info_get_n_prerequisites(info: BaseInfo): number
  • Obtain the number of prerequisites for this interface type. A prerequisites is another interface that needs to be implemented for interface, similar to an base class for GObjects.


    Returns number

  • interface_info_get_n_properties(info: BaseInfo): number
  • interface_info_get_n_signals(info: BaseInfo): number
  • interface_info_get_n_vfuncs(info: BaseInfo): number
  • invoke_error_quark(): Quark
  • Obtain a method of the object given a name, searching both the object info and any interfaces it implements. %NULL will be returned if there's no method available with that name.

    Note that this function does not search parent classes; you will have to chain up if that's desired.


    • info: BaseInfo

      a #GIObjectInfo

    • name: string

      name of method to obtain

    Returns [FunctionInfo | null, GIRepository.ObjectInfo]

  • Locate a virtual function slot with name name. Note that the namespace for virtuals is distinct from that of methods; there may or may not be a concrete method associated for a virtual. If there is one, it may be retrieved using g_vfunc_info_get_invoker(), otherwise %NULL will be returned. See the documentation for g_vfunc_info_get_invoker() for more information on invoking virtuals.


    • info: BaseInfo

      a #GIObjectInfo

    • name: string

      The name of a virtual function to find.

    Returns VFuncInfo | null

  • Locate a virtual function slot with name name, searching both the object info and any interfaces it implements. Note that the namespace for virtuals is distinct from that of methods; there may or may not be a concrete method associated for a virtual. If there is one, it may be retrieved using g_vfunc_info_get_invoker(), otherwise %NULL will be returned.

    Note that this function does not search parent classes; you will have to chain up if that's desired.


    • info: BaseInfo

      a #GIObjectInfo

    • name: string

      name of vfunc to obtain

    Returns [VFuncInfo | null, GIRepository.ObjectInfo]

  • object_info_get_abstract(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • object_info_get_final(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • object_info_get_fundamental(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • Obtain if the object type is of a fundamental type which is not G_TYPE_OBJECT. This is mostly for supporting GstMiniObject.


    Returns boolean

  • object_info_get_get_value_function(info: BaseInfo): string | null
  • Obtain the symbol name of the function that should be called to convert an object instance pointer of this object type to a GValue. I's mainly used fundamental types. The type signature for the symbol is %GIObjectInfoGetValueFunction, to fetch the function pointer see g_object_info_get_get_value_function().


    Returns string | null

  • object_info_get_n_constants(info: BaseInfo): number
  • object_info_get_n_fields(info: BaseInfo): number
  • object_info_get_n_interfaces(info: BaseInfo): number
  • object_info_get_n_methods(info: BaseInfo): number
  • object_info_get_n_properties(info: BaseInfo): number
  • object_info_get_n_signals(info: BaseInfo): number
  • object_info_get_n_vfuncs(info: BaseInfo): number
  • object_info_get_ref_function(info: BaseInfo): string | null
  • Obtain the symbol name of the function that should be called to ref this object type. It's mainly used fundamental types. The type signature for the symbol is %GIObjectInfoRefFunction, to fetch the function pointer see g_object_info_get_ref_function().


    Returns string | null

  • object_info_get_set_value_function(info: BaseInfo): string | null
  • Obtain the symbol name of the function that should be called to convert set a GValue giving an object instance pointer of this object type. I's mainly used fundamental types. The type signature for the symbol is %GIObjectInfoSetValueFunction, to fetch the function pointer see g_object_info_get_set_value_function().


    Returns string | null

  • object_info_get_type_init(info: BaseInfo): string
  • object_info_get_type_name(info: BaseInfo): string
  • object_info_get_unref_function(info: BaseInfo): string | null
  • Obtain the symbol name of the function that should be called to unref this object type. It's mainly used fundamental types. The type signature for the symbol is %GIObjectInfoUnrefFunction, to fetch the function pointer see g_object_info_get_unref_function().


    Returns string | null

  • Obtains the setter function associated with this #GIPropertyInfo.

    The setter is only available for %G_PARAM_WRITABLE properties that are also not %G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY.


    Returns FunctionInfo | null

  • Obtain the #GType for this registered type or G_TYPE_NONE which a special meaning. It means that either there is no type information associated with this info or that the shared library which provides the type_init function for this info cannot be called.


    Returns GType

  • registered_type_info_get_type_init(info: BaseInfo): string
  • Obtain the type init function for info. The type init function is the function which will register the GType within the GObject type system. Usually this is not called by langauge bindings or applications, use g_registered_type_info_get_g_type() directly instead.


    Returns string

  • registered_type_info_get_type_name(info: BaseInfo): string
  • Obtain the type name of the struct within the GObject type system. This type can be passed to g_type_name() to get a #GType.


    Returns string

  • Obtain the class closure for this signal if one is set. The class closure is a virtual function on the type that the signal belongs to. If the signal lacks a closure %NULL will be returned.


    Returns VFuncInfo

  • signal_info_true_stops_emit(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • struct_info_get_alignment(info: BaseInfo): number
  • struct_info_get_n_fields(info: BaseInfo): number
  • struct_info_get_n_methods(info: BaseInfo): number
  • struct_info_get_size(info: BaseInfo): number
  • struct_info_is_foreign(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • struct_info_is_gtype_struct(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • Return true if this structure represents the "class structure" for some #GObject or #GInterface. This function is mainly useful to hide this kind of structure from generated public APIs.


    Returns boolean

  • GLib data structures, such as #GList, #GSList, and #GHashTable, all store data pointers. In the case where the list or hash table is storing single types rather than structs, these data pointers may have values stuffed into them via macros such as %GPOINTER_TO_INT.

    Use this function to ensure that all values are correctly extracted from stuffed pointers, regardless of the machine's architecture or endianness.

    This function fills in the appropriate field of arg with the value extracted from hash_pointer, depending on the storage type of info.


    • info: BaseInfo

      a #GITypeInfo

    • hash_pointer: object

      A pointer, such as a #GHashTable data pointer

    • arg: GIRepository.Argument

      A #GIArgument to fill in

    Returns void

  • type_info_get_array_fixed_size(info: BaseInfo): number
  • type_info_get_array_length(info: BaseInfo): number
  • Obtain the position of the argument which gives the array length of the type. The type tag must be a #GI_TYPE_TAG_ARRAY or -1 will be returned.


    Returns number

  • For types which have #GI_TYPE_TAG_INTERFACE such as GObjects and boxed values, this function returns full information about the referenced type. You can then inspect the type of the returned #GIBaseInfo to further query whether it is a concrete GObject, a GInterface, a structure, etc. using g_base_info_get_type().


    Returns BaseInfo

  • GLib data structures, such as #GList, #GSList, and #GHashTable, all store data pointers. In the case where the list or hash table is storing single types rather than structs, these data pointers may have values stuffed into them via macros such as %GPOINTER_TO_INT.

    Use this function to ensure that all values are correctly stuffed into pointers, regardless of the machine's architecture or endianness.

    This function returns a pointer stuffed with the appropriate field of arg, depending on the storage type of info.


    Returns object | null

  • type_info_is_pointer(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • Obtain if the type is passed as a reference.

    Note that the types of %GI_DIRECTION_OUT and %GI_DIRECTION_INOUT parameters will only be pointers if the underlying type being transferred is a pointer (i.e. only if the type of the C function’s formal parameter is a pointer to a pointer).


    Returns boolean

  • type_info_is_zero_terminated(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • GLib data structures, such as #GList, #GSList, and #GHashTable, all store data pointers. In the case where the list or hash table is storing single types rather than structs, these data pointers may have values stuffed into them via macros such as %GPOINTER_TO_INT.

    Use this function to ensure that all values are correctly extracted from stuffed pointers, regardless of the machine's architecture or endianness.

    This function fills in the appropriate field of arg with the value extracted from hash_pointer, depending on storage_type.


    • storage_type: TypeTag

      a #GITypeTag obtained from g_type_info_get_storage_type()

    • hash_pointer: object

      A pointer, such as a #GHashTable data pointer

    • arg: GIRepository.Argument

      A #GIArgument to fill in

    Returns void

  • GLib data structures, such as #GList, #GSList, and #GHashTable, all store data pointers. In the case where the list or hash table is storing single types rather than structs, these data pointers may have values stuffed into them via macros such as %GPOINTER_TO_INT.

    Use this function to ensure that all values are correctly stuffed into pointers, regardless of the machine's architecture or endianness.

    This function returns a pointer stuffed with the appropriate field of arg, depending on storage_type.


    • storage_type: TypeTag

      a #GITypeTag obtained from g_type_info_get_storage_type()

    • arg: GIRepository.Argument

      A #GIArgument with the value to stuff into a pointer

    Returns object | null

  • type_tag_to_string(type: TypeTag): string
  • union_info_get_alignment(info: BaseInfo): number
  • union_info_get_discriminator_offset(info: BaseInfo): number
  • union_info_get_n_fields(info: BaseInfo): number
  • union_info_get_n_methods(info: BaseInfo): number
  • union_info_get_size(info: BaseInfo): number
  • union_info_is_discriminated(info: BaseInfo): boolean
  • value_info_get_value(info: BaseInfo): number
  • vfunc_info_get_address(info: BaseInfo, implementor_gtype: GType<unknown>): object | null
  • This method will look up where inside the type struct of implementor_gtype is the implementation for info.


    • info: BaseInfo

      a #GIVFuncInfo

    • implementor_gtype: GType<unknown>

      #GType implementing this virtual function

    Returns object | null

  • vfunc_info_get_offset(info: BaseInfo): number
  • Obtain the offset of the function pointer in the class struct. The value 0xFFFF indicates that the struct offset is unknown.


    Returns number


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method